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Hop on top of the crystals to move forward??
[The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening] - The owl is giving me a riddle "hop on top of the crystals to move forward". I can't figure out what this means. It isnt making any sense to me. View Answer

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Training Tower Survival Guide: Level Up Your Heroes and Earn Rewards

Training Tower Survival Guide: Level Up Your Heroes and Earn Rewards

Welcome to the Training Tower in Fire Emblem Heroes, where you can level up your heroes and earn rewards to help you on your journey.…
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The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening Box Art

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening was a game that was originally released for the Game Boy back in 1993. Back then, the franchise was starting to hit a much larger audience but still had not been propelled to its full potential. Something that would later be triggered with the release of the Ocarina of Time for the N64. Link’s Awakening was given the HD remake treatment when it was…
Fire Emblem Heroes Box Art

Fire Emblem Heroes

"Take part in strategic turn-based battles streamlined for on-the-go play with maps that fit in the palm of your hand! Lead your army with easy touch and drag controls, including the ability to attack by simply swiping an ally over an enemy."


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Training Tower Survival Guide: Level Up Your Heroes and Earn Rewards

Welcome to the Training Tower in Fire Emblem Heroes, where you can level up your heroes and earn rewards to help you on your journey. So, you're ready to jump into battle and advance through the Stratum difficulties? Let me...

Hop on top of the crystals to move forward??

The owl is giving me a riddle "hop on top of the crystals to move forward". I can't figure out what this means. It isnt making any sense to me.