Video Game Guide


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God of War Collectible Guide

God of War has gotten a massiverhaul from the structure of the previous games. The game has taken on a Tomb Raider like approach to collectibles. There are quite a few different collectibles scattered all over the world and this...
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Jazzpunk Game Guide & Walkthrough

Welcome to my walkthrough for Jazzpunk. This game is absolute madness that makes no sense at all from start to finish. There is a huge amount of stuff to do outside of the main story, so be sure to take...
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Fallout 4 Speed Run Guide

I have personally put a LOT of hours into this game in an attempt to discover the FASTEST EASIEST route to Platinum, approx 25hrs. There may be odd parts which could be improved upon, due to the sheer size of...
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Breath of the Wild: Divine Beast Walkthrough

There are 4 main dungeons in Breath of the Wild. There is one for each of the 4 ancient beasts that you must destroy to help you destroy Gannon. There will also be a final dungeon Once you have completed...