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How Signposts Work

How Signposts Work

Signposts are available from the very start of Autonauts Vs Piratebots but the game doesn't really push you toward using them. They may not seem…
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Midnight Deluxe Box Art

Midnight Deluxe

Use your controller or touch screen controls to launch Midnight into the night sky, but watch out! The world of Midnight is a dangerous one thanks to the likes of spikes, circular saws and plenty of other dangerous objects. And even if you do manage to get Midnight into the safe zone to advance to the next level, there’s the added challenge of trying to complete each level in the…
Autonauts vs Piratebots Box Art

Autonauts vs Piratebots

Create, automate and defend an impenetrable base. Assemble and command a Bot army to combat an entire Piratebot invasion. Build, program, and battle your way through five different zones.


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How Signposts Work

Signposts are available from the very start of Autonauts Vs Piratebots but the game doesn't really push you toward using them. They may not seem all that important, especially if you are making some assumptions from your time playing Minecraft....
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Fantasy Location Name Generator

Are you an aspiring writer, game developer, or tabletop RPG enthusiast? If so, you might be looking for the perfect name for your fantasy world. With the help of a Fantasy Location Name Generator, you can create unique and captivating...

Switching Accounts To Get Midnight Deluxe Regional Platinums On Vita
