Let's Play Deathloop

Complete let’s play of Deathloop. A fresh run of the game from start to finish. Stealth games are definitely not something I am good at but with a solid loadout, things didn’t go too bad at all.


Deathloop Box Art


DEATHLOOP is an innovative first person shooter launching for PlayStation 5 and PC from Arkane Lyon, the award-winning studio behind the critically acclaimed Dishonored franchise. The studio’s new IP will continue Arkane’s signature gameplay design, challenging gamers to play their own way. As Colt, players are trapped in a time loop on the enigmatic island of Blackreef, doomed to repeat the same day for eternity. The only chance for escape…


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Let’s Play Deathloop – Part 9 - The End Is Here

Let's Play
The end is here! After spending the past week sneaking my way around the island and actually becoming decent enough at the game....sometimes, it is time to end this. This is the final episode. The loop is about to be...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 8 - Dorsey Manor Is Mine!

Let's Play
Alexis has been hanging out at Dorsey Manor and although I have already been there and dished out the pain, I screwed up the stealth part of the quest and needed to try it again....twice. So this is my third...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 7 - I Made The UI Drunk

Let's Play
A fresh morning but a not-so-fresh me. It didn't take long for the game to give up that I would be able to keep things under control. It got so bad that it crashed shortly after I got started, hence...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 6 - Time To Crash A Party

Let's Play
Having arranged the timeline so that I can attend a lucrative and exciting fancy dress party, I decide to bust in the front door, the only way I know how, with guns blazing! After a brief visit to the party,...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 5 - Leave Me Alone Julianna

Let's Play
Just as I was getting back into the swing of being a top-notch spy, Julianna had to come along and kick my ass. She might be kicking my ass now, but it wasn't all bad, picked up some handy tools...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 4 - Time To Become Rambo

Let's Play
With my best efforts at being stealthy falling short, I need to up my game...not by getting better at stealth, but by becoming John Rambo. Everyone must die! A far more destructive approach than before. Guns blazing is the way...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 3 - The Hulk Has Calmed Down

Let's Play
Deathloop Let's Play part 3. The rage of dying in the toxic gas and losing everything is over. I have cooled down and it is time to have a second stab at this boss so that we can continue on...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 2 - Hamburgers & Catherine Zeta Jones

Let's Play
The initial hurdle of figuring out how the game works and getting up to speed with the mechanics is over. I am now a competent deathlooper....even though I may still suck a bit when it comes to stealth. This time,...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 1 - Starting The Loop

Let's Play
The first video in the Deathloop Let's Play run. A fresh start of the game from the opening scene. Follow my desperately poor attempts at trying to maintain stealth and be a decent player in this game. The end goal...