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My Lego Tallneck Figure Regrets

Hey there, fellow collectors and Horizon fans! So, I bought the Lego Tallneck figure over the Christmas. Don't get me wrong, building it was a blast, but now that it's sitting on my shelf, I'm starting to feel a bit...
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Horizon Lego Tallneck Review

Score: 8.5/10
The LEGO Tallneck figure is a highly detailed and accurate representation of the Tallneck creature from the popular video game Horizon Zero Dawn. The figure features a number of key features that closely mimic the video game, making this a...
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YeaBricks Lego Tallneck LED Kit Review

Score: 5/10
The LEGO tallneck figure from Horizon is one of the coolest gaming-related LEGO sets on the market at the moment. For those wanting to add a little more pow to this already impressive figure, an LED kit is a pretty...