Horizon Zero Dawn
Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.
[Horizon Zero Dawn] - How do I find the hidden entrance to cauldron Zeta? The main entrance isn't giving me any clues View Answer
[Horizon Zero Dawn] - I can't seem to find a way to get up to the processing chamber in Cauldron RHO. Anyone know how I get up there? View Answer
[Horizon Zero Dawn] - I want to get the power core inside but the main gates are locked and I am unable to get back inside. View Answer
View All Gaming Questions & Answers
Metal Flowers Collectible Guide
Metal flowers are a collectible in Horizon Zero Dawn. They are grouped into sets of 10 and scattered around the game world. As you might…
Banuk Figures Collectible Guide
The Banuk Figures are small handmade statues or figures that are found in Horizon Zero Dawn. There are only 6 of them to find, so…
Ancient Vessels Collectible Guide
Ancient vessels are a fairly humorous collectible item from Horizon Zero Dawn. They are essentially coffee mugs, but the people in the game seem to…
Shield Weaver Armor Guide
The Shield Weaver armor is an advanced armor set that was created by the ancients. It is a rare inventory item that takes some work…
Horizon Zero Dawn - Parts Wrangling Trial Walkthrough
Of all the trials in the game, this one is by far the biggest pain in the ass. Between the damn glinthawks and the 2…
How To Upgrade Carry Capacity
Aloy can hold a lot of resources from the very beginning, but over time you may start to hit limitations on what she can carry,…
Horizon Zero Dawn
Welcome to a vibrant world rich with the beauty of nature – but inhabited by awe-inspiring, highly advanced machines. As a young machine hunter named Aloy, you must unravel the mysteries of this world and find your own destiny.
How To Upgrade Carry Capacity
Aloy can hold a lot of resources from the very beginning, but over time you may start to hit limitations on what she can carry, simply because there is so much stuff to pick up. Item carry capacity can be...
Horizon Zero Dawn - Parts Wrangling Trial Walkthrough
Of all the trials in the game, this one is by far the biggest pain in the ass. Between the damn glinthawks and the 2 other rhino things pounding around the place, its hard as hell to get this done....
Shield Weaver Armor Guide
The Shield Weaver armor is an advanced armor set that was created by the ancients. It is a rare inventory item that takes some work to obtain. Some will regard the Shield Weaver Armor as the best armor set that...
Banuk Figures Collectible Guide
The Banuk Figures are small handmade statues or figures that are found in Horizon Zero Dawn. There are only 6 of them to find, so this won't take you too long to complete. The video guide below will show you...
Ancient Vessels Collectible Guide
Ancient vessels are a fairly humorous collectible item from Horizon Zero Dawn. They are essentially coffee mugs, but the people in the game seem to regard them as some kind of ritual container. A lot of the dialog you get...
Metal Flowers Collectible Guide
Metal flowers are a collectible in Horizon Zero Dawn. They are grouped into sets of 10 and scattered around the game world. As you might expect, they are not actually flowers, they are some kind of ancient machine. You can...