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Is the LG OLED55CX5LB a good TV to get for use with gaming on the PS5? View Answer
Do I need to get a new TV that supports 4k in order to use the PS5? View Answer
View All Gaming Questions & Answers
Destiny 2 HDR Game Mode Flicker On PS5
Having started up Destiny 2 today, I found that the screen started flickering a lot. When I would navigate through the menu or even just…
For those thinking of doing something they are unsure about, maybe a repair for an out of warranty product. Here are some useful hardware guides related to the HDR.
LG OLED CX/C9 Best Picture Settings For Xbox Series X
The next generation of game consoles are out in the wilderness and with it comes a new generation of video technology. HDR and 4K resolution…
How To Enable 10bit Color On The Series X
10-bit color is something that falls under the HDR sphere of viewing. In order to take advantage of it, you will first need to have…
LG CX Flickering Instant Game Response Launched On PS5
When playing games on the PlayStation 5, I found that the system was no longer working well with my LG CX TV. I kept getting…
Destiny 2
Destiny 2 is the highly successful follow-up to Destiny, created by Bungie. Join up with friends to take on hordes of enemies across various planets in this AAA coop first-person shooter.
LG CX Flickering Instant Game Response Launched On PS5
When playing games on the PlayStation 5, I found that the system was no longer working well with my LG CX TV. I kept getting a notification at the top of the screen to say "Instant game response is launched"....
Destiny 2 HDR Game Mode Flicker On PS5
Having started up Destiny 2 today, I found that the screen started flickering a lot. When I would navigate through the menu or even just randomly in the game, the TV would go black and start to flicker. The TV...
How To Enable 10bit Color On The Series X
10-bit color is something that falls under the HDR sphere of viewing. In order to take advantage of it, you will first need to have a TV that supports it and then needs to disable it from the Xbox Series...
LG OLED CX/C9 Best Picture Settings For Xbox Series X
The next generation of game consoles are out in the wilderness and with it comes a new generation of video technology. HDR and 4K resolution are not new, the previous generation consoles had support for both, but this is the...
Do You need a 4k TV to use the PS5?
Do I need to get a new TV that supports 4k in order to use the PS5?
Is the LG CX a good TV to get for the PS5?
Is the LG OLED55CX5LB a good TV to get for use with gaming on the PS5?
HDR And How It Impacts Gaming
HDR is the latest buzzword that came along with the latest generation of game consoles. It has of course been a thing for much longer than that. The mysterious acronym is something that very few people really understand. What is...
What Is HDR and How Does It Relate to the PS4
When it comes to TV technology the last few years have been moving quick. First we had HD, then Full HD and finally 4k. Even though 4k is still in its infancy and most of us have yet to experience...