game release


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

Is Minecraft Getting Released On The PS5?
[Minecraft] - is minecraft going to be released on the playstation 5 when the console launches at the end of the year. Will there be a official release for the console to take advantage of the increased power? View Answer

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Assassins Creed Origins Box Art

Assassin's Creed Origins

For the last four years, the team behind Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag has been crafting a new beginning for the Assassin’s Creed franchise. Set in Ancient Egypt, players will journey to the most mysterious place in history, during a crucial period that will shape the world and give rise to the Assassin’s Brotherhood. Plunged into a living, systemic and majestic open world, players are going to discover vibrant ecosystems,…
Minecraft Box Art


What started out as a fairly basic sandbox creation game, nobody could have imagined the heights that Minecraft would eventually reach. From its indie beginnings with a small studio called Mojang, Minecraft is now owned by tech giant Microsoft and is available on almost every game platform that is available on the market. It has become one of the most successful video games of all time. The concept of Minecraft…


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PlayStation 5 Games Releasing This Month

Gaming Posts
If you are looking for some new games to sink your teeth into on the PlayStation 5, this list will help you out. Below, you will find a list of games that are going to be releasing this month on...
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Xbox Series S & X Launch Titles

The release of the next generation of home gaming consoles is just around the corner. We have a huge amount to be excited about before we even consider the games available. There will be two models of Xbox consoles launching....

Is Minecraft Getting Released On The PS5?

is minecraft going to be released on the playstation 5 when the console launches at the end of the year. Will there be a official release for the console to take advantage of the increased power?
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Debating Whether To By The New Assassins Creed

The first entry in the Assassins Creed series first released in 2007 and since then we have gotten at least 1 new entry the series every single year. Generally speaking, most of the games released on non-handheld platforms, have been...