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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 6 - Time To Crash A Party

Let's Play
Having arranged the timeline so that I can attend a lucrative and exciting fancy dress party, I decide to bust in the front door, the only way I know how, with guns blazing! After a brief visit to the party,...
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Deathloop Review

Score: 9.5/10
The retro-futurism style of the 1960s is not one that video games visit often. Deathloop drops you into the depths of a complex sci-fi mystery that is taking place in a rather groovy styled island in the 1960s. A potential...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 5 - Leave Me Alone Julianna

Let's Play
Just as I was getting back into the swing of being a top-notch spy, Julianna had to come along and kick my ass. She might be kicking my ass now, but it wasn't all bad, picked up some handy tools...
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DEATHLOOP is an innovative first person shooter launching for PlayStation 5 and PC from Arkane Lyon, the award-winning studio behind the critically acclaimed Dishonored franchise. The studio’s new IP will continue Arkane’s signature gameplay design, challenging gamers to play their...
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Differences Between Returnal & Deathloop

The rising popularity of roguelike-inspired games has introduced gamers to an array of interesting takes on the groundhog day style looping system. A world where you die and everything resets, but you often retain some information or items that will...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 4 - Time To Become Rambo

Let's Play
With my best efforts at being stealthy falling short, I need to up my game...not by getting better at stealth, but by becoming John Rambo. Everyone must die! A far more destructive approach than before. Guns blazing is the way...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 3 - The Hulk Has Calmed Down

Let's Play
Deathloop Let's Play part 3. The rage of dying in the toxic gas and losing everything is over. I have cooled down and it is time to have a second stab at this boss so that we can continue on...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 2 - Hamburgers & Catherine Zeta Jones

Let's Play
The initial hurdle of figuring out how the game works and getting up to speed with the mechanics is over. I am now a competent deathlooper....even though I may still suck a bit when it comes to stealth. This time,...
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Let's Play Deathloop - Part 1 - Starting The Loop

Let's Play
The first video in the Deathloop Let's Play run. A fresh start of the game from the opening scene. Follow my desperately poor attempts at trying to maintain stealth and be a decent player in this game. The end goal...