Bandit Six


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Bandit Six - Getting 3 Stars On Pacific Whale

Bandit Six - Getting 3 Stars On Pacific Whale

This is the final mission in the tower defence style game mode of Bandit Six and it is by far the most difficult to get…
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Bandit Six: Combined Arms Box Art

Bandit Six: Combined Arms

Grab your VR headset and man the tail guns of a World War 2 bomber fending off swarms of attacking fighters then be thrust into the heart of war, defending key positions against waves of incoming enemy forces.


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Bandit Six - Getting 3 Stars On Pacific Whale

This is the final mission in the tower defence style game mode of Bandit Six and it is by far the most difficult to get 3 stars in. Not because it is difficult, but simply because there are not enough...
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Bandit Six: Combined Arms

Bandit Six: Combined Arms puts you in the seat of a World War II tail gunner on a large warplane. You must defend the plane from attacking fighters. A second game mode lets you play as a turret gunner on...
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Bandit Six: Combined Arms Review

Gaming Posts
Overall Bandit Six: Combined arms is a fun game that is just lacking in content. It is a lot of fun shooting the turrets and blowing up everything in sight. It is a shame that there wasn't a little more...

How do You Buy Powerups for Feel The Power Trophy?


How Do You Activate The Air Strike Power Up?
