Idle Balls Questions & Answers
This section is for frequently asked questions, help and tips. If you are having trouble with a game console, PC setup or any in game related things that you need help with, you can get some help here. You will find a selection of popular questions that have been asked for various video games and game platforms below.
Idle Balls
Scratch your multi-tasking itch! Play Idle Balls in front of your favorite show, in a boring class or meeting - without missing the important stuff. -Free to play -Endless gameplay and upgrades -No internet connection needed
Is there any point in upgrading balls?
The cost of upgrading the balls in Idle Balls seems quite high for the additional strength that you get for it. It doesn’t really seem worth purchasing them compared to just saving up to get the next tier all. At the same time it is starting to seem pointless having the original balls bouncing around […]
What Happens When You Unlock The Atom Ball?
It’s gonna take a while to get to this point, but what happens when you have the atom Ball unlocked in Idle Balls? Is there like a new game plus or something?
How do you unlock extra balls?
There is a list of extra balls at the bottom of the screen like tennis balls etc. I have collected enough points for the tennis ball, bit the icon for it is still locked. How are you meant to get additional balls in this game?