Jazzpunk Questions & Answers

This section is for frequently asked questions, help and tips. If you are having trouble with a game console, PC setup or any in game related things that you need help with, you can get some help here. You will find a selection of popular questions that have been asked for various video games and game platforms below.


Jazzpunk Box Art


Jazzpunk is a single-player, first-person adventure game, focusing on exploration and comedy over puzzle-solving. Each mission has one central objective, but the player is free to explore the game world at their own pace, which is populated with a large number of interactive NPCs, each with their own action or gag. Mini-games, including mini-golf, a Frogger clone, and a version of Duck Hunt in which the player pelts cardboard ducks…


After speaking with the guy hiding underneath the abandoned swimming pool, he will ask you to kill the mechanical pig and cook it. After killing the pig and putting it onto the spit, nothing happens. What do you do after cooking the mechanical pig in Jazzpunk?

Is there any difference between the standard version of the game and the version that was released on consoles that was labelled as the directors cut?