Gameplay Help Questions & Answers

Frequently asked questions relating to gameplay.


Does the benefit from using a bobblehead in Fallout 76 last forever or is it a temporary buff?

How do you exit power armour in fallout 76? I am stuck inside and can't get out?

How do i get more wood in Falliut 76? I have half built a tiny structure and have already run out of supplies for building any more. How do i get more wood for crafting?

Does it cost money to move the survival tent that comes as part of the Fallout 1st subscription?

I accidentially scrapped my best weapon. Is there a way to undo this and get my weapon back?

How do you disable to torch on the Pip-Boy. The green light is on and I don't know how you are supposed to turn it off?

What is the point of pre-war money in Fallout 76. It is found everywhere but since It can't be used to buy things, what is it used for?

Is there a way to set your characters special points in Fallout 76 to respec your character without starting again?

I have gotten the message Overencumbered! Running will drain AP. How do you make this go away? It is making me run slow.

Is there a way to disable the survival mechanics in Fallout 76 so that hunger and thirst are no longer an issue?