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ARC-3 Arc Thrower

The ARC-3 Arc Thrower is a supply stratagem in Helldivers 2 that equips players with an electrifying close-range weapon. This device projects an arc of lightning, capable of charging up to release bolts that can chain through multiple targets. Usage...
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LAS-98 Laser Cannon

The LAS-98 Laser Cannon is a powerful supply stratagem in Helldivers 2, designed as a heavy support weapon. This laser weapon fires a continuous beam capable of cutting through enemy ranks, and it does not require conventional ammunition. However, it...
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GL-21 Grenade Launcher

The GL-21 Grenade Launcher is a supply stratagem in Helldivers 2, offering a powerful anti-infantry option for Helldivers in the field. This weapon is designed to deal with armored infantry and can demolish fortified positions, although it's not suited for...