Fire Emblem Heroes Advanced Growth Guide

Fire Emblem Heroes Advanced Growth Guide

In Fire Emblem Heroes, one of the key aspects of advancing your heroes is through the process of Advanced Growth. This guide will walk you through the steps of unlocking potential and merging allies, two important mechanics in the game that can significantly boost the power of your favorite heroes.

Unlocking Potential

To upgrade a hero’s star rating and unlock their full potential, there are a few requirements you need to meet. First, the hero must be initially rated between 1* and 4*. Additionally, they need to reach at least level 20 before you can begin the unlocking process.

  • For heroes rated 1* to 3*, you will need Hero Feathers and Badges. The type of Badge required depends on the color of your hero’s type.
  • Heroes rated 4* require Hero Feathers and Great Badges. Once again, the type of Great Badge required depends on the hero’s color.

It’s important to note that after unlocking potential, your hero will return to level one. Don’t worry, though. They’ll quickly regain their strength and continue to progress even further.

Keep in mind that any stat increases your hero gained from Merge Allies will be lost after unlocking their potential. So, if you’ve been relying on merging allies, be prepared to start from scratch in terms of stat boosts.

Merging Allies

Merging allies is another way to strengthen your heroes. By combining two heroes of the same name and title, you can grant your hero valuable SP, or skill points, as well as potential stat boosts. The important thing to remember is that the merged heroes can have different star rankings but must have the same name and title.

To perform a merge, simply select one of the heroes as the “source” hero and place them into the “Lose” box. This hero will be lost forever, so choose wisely. Once the merge is complete, the “enhanced” hero will inherit the skills and potential stat boosts from the merged hero.

Here’s where it gets interesting: if the source hero has the same or a higher star rating than the enhanced hero, the enhanced hero will gain raised stats and additional SP. However, if the source hero has a lower star rating, the enhanced hero will only gain SP without any stat boosts.

It’s important to note that if you later decide to upgrade the star rating of your hero using Unlock Potential, the stats gained from merging will be lost. So, consider carefully whether you want to unlock potential or continue merging allies for further stat boosts.

Final Thoughts

Advanced Growth is a powerful way to maximize the potential of your heroes in Fire Emblem Heroes. By unlocking potential and merging allies strategically, you can create unstoppable forces on the battlefield. Just remember to plan your moves wisely and consider the long-term effects before making any decisions.

Whether you choose to upgrade the star rating of your heroes or continue merging allies, always keep your ultimate team composition and playstyle in mind. Experiment with different combinations and strategies to find what works best for you.

Now, go forth and unleash the true potential of your heroes in the world of Fire Emblem Heroes! Good luck on your journey!

Fire Emblem Heroes Advanced Growth Guide

How do I unlock potential in Fire Emblem Heroes?

To unlock potential in Fire Emblem Heroes, your hero must be initially rated between 1* and 4*, and they must reach at least level 20. For heroes rated 1* to 3*, you will need Hero Feathers and Badges. 4* heroes require Hero Feathers and Great Badges. The type of Badge required depends on the hero’s color.

What happens when I unlock potential in Fire Emblem Heroes?

After unlocking potential, your hero will return to level one, but they’ll quickly regain their strength. Any stat increases gained from Merge Allies will be lost after unlocking their potential.

How do I merge allies in Fire Emblem Heroes?

To merge allies in Fire Emblem Heroes, you must combine two heroes of the same name and title. The merged heroes can have different star rankings, but they must have the same name and title. Select one of the heroes as the “source” hero, and place them into the “Lose” box. This hero will be lost forever. The enhanced hero will inherit the skills and potential stat boosts from the merged hero.

What are the benefits of merging allies in Fire Emblem Heroes?

Merging allies in Fire Emblem Heroes grants your hero valuable SP, or skill points, as well as potential stat boosts. If the source hero has the same or a higher star rating than the enhanced hero, the enhanced hero will gain raised stats and additional SP. If the source hero has a lower star rating, the enhanced hero will only gain SP without any stat boosts.

What happens to the stats gained from merging if I unlock potential in Fire Emblem Heroes?

If you later decide to upgrade the star rating of your hero using Unlock Potential, the stats gained from merging will be lost. So, consider carefully whether you want to unlock potential or continue merging allies for further stat boosts.

What do I do if I have a problem with unlocking potential or merging allies in Fire Emblem Heroes?

If you have a problem with unlocking potential or merging allies in Fire Emblem Heroes, you can check the in-game help section for more information and troubleshooting tips. You can also reach out to the official Fire Emblem Heroes support team for assistance.

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