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How do you break through the wall in the repair shop?
[Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales] - How do you break down the suspicous brick wall in the back of the repair shop. The quest is directing me this way and it looks like it can be broken but punches to not do anything. View Answer

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Marvels Spider-Man: Miles Morales Box Art

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

The latest adventure in the Spider-Man universe will build on and expand ‘Marvel’s Spider-Man’ through an all-new story. Players will experience the rise of Miles Morales as he masters new powers to become his own Spider-Man.


How do you break through the wall in the repair shop?

How do you break down the suspicous brick wall in the back of the repair shop. The quest is directing me this way and it looks like it can be broken but punches to not do anything.