Pokémon Go Questions & Answers
This section is for frequently asked questions, help and tips. If you are having trouble with a game console, PC setup or any in game related things that you need help with, you can get some help here. You will find a selection of popular questions that have been asked for various video games and game platforms below.
Pokémon Go
Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game released for Android and iOS mobile devices. The game makes use of GPS and mapping technology to place players in an augmented reality. The game requires you to walk around the real world and by looking at your phone screen you are entered into an alternate version of the real world where Pokemon exist and can be captured. Battles take place and use…
How Long Does It Take For a Pokestop To Refresh?
How long does it take for a pokestop to refresh. Once used it turns purple. How much time does it take to go blue again?
How do you join a different Pokemon Go team?
I joined a team back at the start of the game and I want to change to a different team. I have been looking around the games UI and I can’t find anything that lets me change the team that I joined. How do you change the team you are a part of in Pokemon […]