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Let's Play Deadcraft #4 - Still Can't Quench The Thirst

Let's Play
Today marks the turning point. It was going to be the make-or-break moment. Will I continue on dealing with the thirst and finding myself unable to progress any further or was it now time to get over the hurdle and...
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Let's Play Soda Crisis #1

Let's Play
Soda Crisis started out as a pretty enjoyable experience and while it may not have been the game I typically go for, it was fun. Things did start to fall apart as things went forward. The metal slug style combat...
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Let's Play Deadcraft #3 - Thirrrrrrrrrrrsty.....

Let's Play
The third episode of let's play Deadcraft. Still struggling for liquid, the adventure through this wasteland is not as fun as I had hoped. I need to get a reliable source of water to avoid being constantly thirsty as it...
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Where to Find Flimsy Wood

Flimsy wood doesn't sound like it is going to be something you can't live without but early on in the game, it is a key ingredient in making sure you don't die of thirst every day. How you ask, charcoal...
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How To Create Charcoal

Charcoal is one of the most important items that you will need to build up a reliable supply of early on in the game. Since thirst is going to be a constant struggle in this game, you will need to...
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Where To Find Rags

Rags are one of the early game crafting components that you will need in Deadcraft. There are a few different places where you will be able to gather them. The game guide below will show you where to find rags...
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Where To Find Red Stone

Red stone is a bit of an unusual resource in this game. You might remember something similar if you were a fan of Minecraft but what does it do in this game. It is one of those resources that you...
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How To Get Iron Ore

Iron ore is a raw, unrefined crafting component that you will find in Deadcraft. This resource is quite common in the early stages of the game but it must be gathered through mining ore veins as opposed to other crafting...
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How To Get Batteries

Batteries are a common crafting component in Deadcraft. You will commonly need them to construct some of the early-level machines in the game. Batteries are a little less common to find than other resources but are still quite plentiful. Check...
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How To Create Crafters Delight

As part of the main questline in Deadcraft, you will need to create an item called "Crafters Delight". What is this and where do you find where to build it? The guide below will show you what you need to...