
Syndrome Box Art

You wake up on a spaceship, dazed and confused from the effects of cryosleep, and begin to search for the rest of the crew. Where could they have gone? All too suddenly, you discover that most of them are dead, and those still alive are… changed.

With Syndrome, Camel 101 takes first person survival horror back to its roots. In the dark confines of the ship, you look for ways to defend yourself. There are a few weapons scattered about, but nowhere near enough ammunition to deal with all the transformed monstrosities.

To survive and uncover the events that took place while you were asleep, you can’t always face your enemies head on; sometimes hiding and breathing as noiselessly as possible is your best course of action.

Careful resource management is a key part of Syndrome, but so is learning your enemies’ behavior. What will attract their attention? What will give you a few precious seconds to pass by undetected? Take note―each misstep could be deadly.



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