The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


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Dark Armor Set

The Dark armor set is an armor set that will give Link a speed increase during the night. The items in the set do not offer any individual enchantments and the defense is moderate with all 3 pieces combined giving...
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Rubber Armor Set

I find the Rubber Armor set to be a really, really useful armor set. You will quickly discover that Link is a total pussy when it comes to electricity. Chu Chus are pretty lame enemies, but when you see an...
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Radiant Armor Set

The Radiant Armor set is a bit like the Gerudo Vai armor set in that it has a more specific use, but unlike that set, the Radiant armor set has decent base defense so it can be used outside of...
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Barbarian Armor Set

The Barbarian Armor set is a valuable armor set to have if you need to go on an all out offensive attack with little care for defense. If you can kick ass fast enough, who needs defense! Just like the...
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Climbing Gear Armor Set

The climbing gear armor set is a massively valuable set to obtain as early as possible as you will spend a lot of time climbing in Breath of the Wild. The set, as you might guess, is tailored toward climbing...
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Ancient Armor Set

The Ancient Armor set is one of the better armor sets for combat. Most armor sets are geared to some form of elemental region and will provide an enchantment that will reflect this. The ancient armor will provide bonuses that...
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Desert Voe Armor Set

The Desert Voe Armor set is connected with the Gerudo Vai Armor set in that they are both from the same region. It's one of the few instances where there are 2 armor sets in a single region. There are...
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Gerudo Vai Armor Set

The Gerudo Vai Armor set is a fairly unusual armor set in that it's one of the few that can't be upgraded at the Great Fairy Fountains and overall, it has very little use outside of the quest to gain...
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Flamebreaker Armor Set

The Flamebreaker Armor set is an armor set in Breath of the Wild that can be obtained in the Goron City clothing shop. The pieces of this collection offer protection against fire and if the full set is equipped the...
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Zora Armor Set

The Zora armor set is one if the first armor sets that offers many different enchantment bonuses for each piece of the armor, where past sets will all do the same thing. The armor set must be obtained through achievement...