

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

How do you stop an enemy striking first?
[Monster Harvest] - Is there a way to strike first in combat in monster harvest? Enemies always get the first attack when in the dungeon in this game. View Answer

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Strike The Gemstones Pointing in Four Directions Guide

Strike The Gemstones Pointing in Four Directions Guide

In the ancient cistern you will come across a puzzle where you have a lock with four parts you must strike in a certain order…
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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD Box Art

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD is a remaster of the 2011 game Skyward Sword that features enhanced graphics and frame rate. The game now has a standard resolution of 1080p, an intuitive auto-save function and a streamlined item description among other improvements.
Monster Harvest Box Art

Monster Harvest

Monster Harvest is a monster collecting and farming action RPG with a twist! With the addition of a mysterious slime substance, you can bring your crops to life and take them into combat. Build the ultimate farm to earn money through growing and selling crops, selling planimals and descending deep into a dungeon to find out the mystery behind the source of slime at planimal point.


How do you stop an enemy striking first?

Is there a way to strike first in combat in monster harvest? Enemies always get the first attack when in the dungeon in this game.
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Strike The Gemstones Pointing in Four Directions Guide

In the ancient cistern you will come across a puzzle where you have a lock with four parts you must strike in a certain order to unlock it. Beside the door, you will be presented with the following riddle. So...