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Is Manchurian Gold a real thing?
[The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan] - Is the Manchurian Gold from man of medan a real thing? View Answer

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Astroneer - Methane

Astroneer - Methane

Methane is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. It will appear on specific planets in varying amounts. Since this gas is toxic to living organisms, it…
Astroneer - Sulfur

Astroneer - Sulfur

Sulfur is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. A resource that became famous in games like Minecraft for being explosive. It can't directly be used to…
Astroneer - Argon

Astroneer - Argon

Argon is an Atmospheric resource in Astroneer. A gas that is known for its attractive colour in real life, you will not be able to…
Astroneer - Hydrogen

Astroneer - Hydrogen

Hydrogen gas is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. Despite hydrogen being a common fuel and having several uses in the real world, its use in…
Astroneer - Nitrogen

Astroneer - Nitrogen

Nitrogen is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. Nitrogen is a common gas found in planets that support life. This makes it a common resource on…
Astroneer - Helium

Astroneer - Helium

Helium is an atmospheric gas in Astroneer. It is used as a crafting component at the chemistry station to create compound resources. Helium can only…
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Astroneer Box Art


Astroneer is a space exploration game where players take control of an astronaut and must harvest the resources of the planet in order to expand and build up a settlement. Players can construct rockets which can be used to explore other planets in the solar system. Astroneer supports online multiplayer with up to 3 other players. A group of 4 astronauts can work together to explore the galaxy and uncover…
The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan Box Art

The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan

Enter the world of The Dark Pictures - A series of standalone cinematic horror games. Players will be challenged to explore and uncover each story with the knowledge that all their choices have consequences and all playable characters can live, any and all can die...


Is Manchurian Gold a real thing?

Is the Manchurian Gold from man of medan a real thing?
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How to Get Past Double Toxic Plant in Woods

As you are exploring the woods around Freyers camp, you are going to eventually come across a set of two toxic plants that need to be frozen. You only have one Leviathan Axe, so how are you meant to freeze...
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Astroneer - Atmospheric Resources Wiki

Gas is a resource category in Astroneer. Gas is a critical part in the construction of composite resources. In order to capture gas, you will need to construct an Atmospheric Condenser. This structure will allow you to capture gas that...
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Astroneer - Nitrogen

Nitrogen is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. Nitrogen is a common gas found in planets that support life. This makes it a common resource on Sylva. It can be found on other planets, however. How Do You Get Nitrogen? In...
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Astroneer - Helium

Helium is an atmospheric gas in Astroneer. It is used as a crafting component at the chemistry station to create compound resources. Helium can only be found on Atrox and no other planets. There aren't many uses for gasses in...
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Astroneer - Hydrogen

Hydrogen gas is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. Despite hydrogen being a common fuel and having several uses in the real world, its use in this game is quite limited. Like all other gasses, only being used for a single...
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Astroneer - Argon

Argon is an Atmospheric resource in Astroneer. A gas that is known for its attractive colour in real life, you will not be able to create any cool coloured items when you harvest the gas. It can be found on...
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Astroneer - Sulfur

Sulfur is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. A resource that became famous in games like Minecraft for being explosive. It can't directly be used to create explosives but when you combine it with carbon, you will find yourself with some...
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Astroneer - Methane

Methane is an atmospheric resource in Astroneer. It will appear on specific planets in varying amounts. Since this gas is toxic to living organisms, it is generally not present in planets that can sustain life. Methane is a key component...