Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.
[Autonauts vs Piratebots] - Why do my bots stop stacking items in the pallets every time the pallet fills up? The repeat loop doesnt seem to keep going when the supply starts to empty. View Answer
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Creating Multi Tasking Bots
When you are first starting out in Autonauts, you will most definitely get injected with the venom of efficiency. Everything you do needs to be…
Autonauts vs Piratebots
Create, automate and defend an impenetrable base. Assemble and command a Bot army to combat an entire Piratebot invasion. Build, program, and battle your way through five different zones.
Creating Multi Tasking Bots
When you are first starting out in Autonauts, you will most definitely get injected with the venom of efficiency. Everything you do needs to be programmed perfectly and be as efficient as possible. Idle robots are wasted robots. This is...
Bots Stop Stacking Once Crate Is Full?
Why do my bots stop stacking items in the pallets every time the pallet fills up? The repeat loop doesnt seem to keep going when the supply starts to empty.