Real Steel World Robot Boxing Achievement List

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You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Real Steel World Robot Boxing below. This game is developed by Reliance Big Entertainment (UK) Private Limited. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP80000 points
RatingsNo Ratings


small-fry achievement icon
Small Fry 500 XP
Buy an Underworld 1 Robot
zookeeper_3 achievement icon
Zookeeper 500 XP
Buy a UW II Robot
wrb-fan achievement icon
WRB Fan 500 XP
Buy a WRB I Robot
big-fry achievement icon
Big Fry 500 XP
Buy a WRB II Robot
chameleon_1 achievement icon
Chameleon 500 XP
Change a Robot Decal
hattrick achievement icon
Hattrick 500 XP
Win 3 Fights in a Row
triple-double_2 achievement icon
Triple Double 500 XP
Win 6 Fights in a Row
count-to-ten_2 achievement icon
Count to Ten 1000 XP
Win 10 Fights in a Row
purist_2 achievement icon
Purist 2000 XP
Win 50 Fights in a Row
newbie_4 achievement icon
Newbie 500 XP
Reach Level 5
amateur_9 achievement icon
Amateur 500 XP
Reach Level 20
pro_125 achievement icon
Pro 1000 XP
Reach Level 50
training_6 achievement icon
Training 500 XP
Defeat 25 Opponents
the-contender_1 achievement icon
The Contender 500 XP
Defeat 100 Opponents
pioneer_2 achievement icon
Pioneer 1000 XP
Defeat 500 Opponents
the-prize-fighter achievement icon
Defeat 1000 Opponents
harder-faster-stronger_1 achievement icon
Fully upgrade a Robot
two-headed-tyrant achievement icon
Complete the UW I Time Attack Mode
king-of-the-ring_2 achievement icon
Complete the UW II Time Attack Mode
steel-samurai_1 achievement icon
Steel Samurai 1500 XP
Complete the WRB I Time Attack Mode
gold-blooded-killer_1 achievement icon
Complete the WRB II Time Attack Mode
tinkerer_4 achievement icon
Tinkerer 500 XP
Play a fight with Boost equipped
smooth-operator_5 achievement icon
Win 25 Fights using Boosts
and-they-never-stopped_1 achievement icon
Win 100 Fights using Boosts
beginner-s-luck_5 achievement icon
Beginner's Luck 1000 XP
Beat the UW-1 Champion: Midas
half-way-to-the-top achievement icon
Beat the UW-2 Champion: Metro
almost-a-champion achievement icon
Beat the WRB-1 Champion: Twin Cities
the-people-s-champion achievement icon
Beat the WRB-2 Champion: Zeus
real-steel-champion_1 achievement icon
Defeat the Champions - Midas, Metro, Twin Cities, Zeus and Trigore
family-guy_1 achievement icon
Family Guy 500 XP
Earn 20000 Real Coins
tycoon_3 achievement icon
Tycoon 500 XP
Earn 500000 Real Coins
banker_2 achievement icon
Banker 500 XP
Spend 50 Real Gold
big-spender_22 achievement icon
Big Spender 2000 XP
Spend 250 Real Gold
enthusiast_5 achievement icon
Enthusiast 1000 XP
Buy a Robot from 5 different Tiers
connoisseur_1 achievement icon
Connoisseur 1500 XP
Buy a Champion Robot from 5 different Tiers
once-upon-a-time_3 achievement icon
Complete 2 hours of playtime
game-on_1 achievement icon
Game On 1000 XP
Complete 5 hours of playtime
time-well-spent_2 achievement icon
Time Well Spent 2000 XP
Complete 20 hours of playtime
100-days-later_2 achievement icon
100 Days Later 3000 XP
Complete 100 hours of playtime
deadly_8 achievement icon
Deadly 500 XP
Win a fight using only LP moves
brutal_4 achievement icon
Brutal 500 XP
Win a fight using only HP moves
rate-us achievement icon
Rate Us 1000 XP
Rate the App
braggart achievement icon
Braggart 500 XP
Defeat 25 Opponents in Local Multiplayer
rampage_2 achievement icon
Rampage 1000 XP
Defeat 100 Opponents in Local Multiplayer
dominating_1 achievement icon
Dominating 1500 XP
Defeat 500 Opponents in Local Multiplayer
god-among-insects achievement icon
Defeat 1000 Opponents in Local Multiplayer
rumors achievement icon
Rumors 500 XP
Share the Result Screen
lights-out_1 achievement icon
Lights Out 1000 XP
Share the Result Screen 20 times
all-or-nothing_1 achievement icon
All Or Nothing 2000 XP
Share the Result Screen 50 times
funeral achievement icon
Funeral 3000 XP
Share the Result Screen 100 times
hello_6 achievement icon
Hello 500 XP
Request Friends for Energy Core
comeback_9 achievement icon
Comeback 1000 XP
Request Friends for Energy Core 20 times
yes-no achievement icon
Yes No 2000 XP
Request Friends for Energy Core 50 times
thanksgiving_1 achievement icon
Thanksgiving 3000 XP
Request Friends for Energy Core 100 times
the-first-time achievement icon
Share Robot Snapshot
audition achievement icon
Audition 1000 XP
Share Robot Snapshot 5 times
makeover achievement icon
Makeover 1500 XP
Share Robot Snapshot 20 times
theatricality achievement icon
Theatricality 2000 XP
Share Robot Snapshot 50 times
nothing-can-hold-you-down_1 achievement icon
Unlock WRB Gold Tier
king-of-kings_2 achievement icon
King of Kings 500 XP
Beat the UW Gold Champion - Trigore
ascendancy achievement icon
Ascendancy 500 XP
Unlock 2nd ability of any robot
craft-specialist achievement icon
Fully upgrading an ability
poker-face_1 achievement icon
Poker Face 500 XP
Complete 10 gacha spins
steel-master achievement icon
Steel Master 500 XP
Upgrade both abilities of all robots in the game at least once
blacksmith_1 achievement icon
Blacksmith 500 XP
Fully upgrade both abilities of 5 robots
industrialist_2 achievement icon
Industrialist 500 XP
Fully upgrade both abilities of 15 robots
scientist achievement icon
Scientist 500 XP
Fully upgrade both abilities of 30 robots
tech-wizard achievement icon
Tech Wizard 500 XP
Fully upgrade both abilities of 55 robots
Rate The Game
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Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
