Hidden City® Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Hidden City® below. This game is developed by G5 Entertainment. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP95500 points
RatingsNo Ratings


first-steps achievement icon
First Steps 500 XP
Assemble 5 collections
amateur_2 achievement icon
Amateur 500 XP
Assemble 10 collections
novice-collector achievement icon
Assemble 30 collections
experienced-collector_1 achievement icon
Assemble 50 collections
expert-of-rarities achievement icon
Assemble 100 collections
not-a-step-without-instructions achievement icon
Use different tools 5 times.
novice-user achievement icon
Novice User 500 XP
Use different tools 50 times.
experienced-mechanic achievement icon
Use different tools 100 times.
master-mechanic achievement icon
Master Mechanic 1500 XP
Use different tools 200 times.
legendary-mechanic achievement icon
Use different tools 500 times.
first-quests achievement icon
First Quests 500 XP
Complete 10 quests.
reliable-contractor achievement icon
Complete 50 quests.
sleuth achievement icon
Sleuth 1000 XP
Complete 100 quests.
detective_4 achievement icon
Detective 1500 XP
Complete 200 quests.
city-detective achievement icon
City Detective 2000 XP
Complete 500 quests.
novice-seeker achievement icon
Novice Seeker 500 XP
Investigate 5 locations without failing a single one.
assistant-seeker achievement icon
Investigate 10 locations without failing a single one.
persistent-seeker achievement icon
Investigate 25 locations without failing a single one.
confident-seeker achievement icon
Investigate 50 locations without failing a single one.
successful-seeker achievement icon
Investigate 70 locations without failing a single one.
first-anniversary achievement icon
Reach level 5.
skillful_2 achievement icon
Skillful 500 XP
Reach level 25.
experienced_9 achievement icon
Experienced 1000 XP
Reach level 50.
veteran_16 achievement icon
Veteran 1500 XP
Reach level 75.
old-timer_1 achievement icon
Old-timer 2000 XP
Reach level 100.
beginner-caver achievement icon
Complete the "Expedition" mini-game 5 times without failing.
student-archaeologist achievement icon
Complete the "Expedition" mini-game 10 times without failing.
archaeologist_1 achievement icon
Archaeologist 1000 XP
Complete the "Expedition" mini-game 25 times without failing.
digger_1 achievement icon
Digger 1500 XP
Complete the "Expedition" mini-game 50 times without failing.
treasure-hunter_13 achievement icon
Treasure Hunter 2000 XP
Complete the "Expedition" mini-game 70 times without failing.
trial-by-fire achievement icon
Trial by Fire 500 XP
Defeat 5 monsters.
fearless_2 achievement icon
Fearless 500 XP
Defeat 50 monsters.
monster-hunter_1 achievement icon
Monster Hunter 1000 XP
Defeat 100 monsters.
warrior_2 achievement icon
Warrior 1500 XP
Defeat 200 monsters.
unstoppable_15 achievement icon
Unstoppable 2000 XP
Defeat 500 monsters.
novice_7 achievement icon
Novice 500 XP
Reach rank 2 in any location.
seeker achievement icon
Seeker 1000 XP
Reach rank 3 in any location.
tracker achievement icon
Tracker 1500 XP
Reach rank 4 in any location.
intuitive achievement icon
Intuitive 1500 XP
Reach rank 5 in any location.
collector_9 achievement icon
Collector 1500 XP
Reach rank 6 in any location.
master_125 achievement icon
Master 2000 XP
Reach rank 7 in any location.
wandering-in-the-dark achievement icon
Explore 5 locations in "Night" mode without failing any.
under-cover-of-night achievement icon
Explore 10 locations in "Night" mode without failing any.
conqueror-of-shadow achievement icon
Explore 20 locations in "Night" mode without failing any.
night-traveller achievement icon
Night Traveller 1500 XP
Explore 50 locations in "Night" mode without failing any.
overlord-of-the-night achievement icon
Explore 100 locations in "Night" mode without failing any.
vision-of-the-past achievement icon
Explore 5 locations in "Past" mode without failing any.
look-into-the-past achievement icon
Explore 10 locations in "Past" mode without failing any.
seeker-of-the-past achievement icon
Explore 20 locations in "Past" mode without failing any.
expert-in-comparisons achievement icon
Explore 50 locations in "Past" mode without failing any.
time-traveller_1 achievement icon
Time Traveller 2000 XP
Explore 100 locations in "Past" mode without failing any.
amazing-crystals achievement icon
Complete the "Crystals" mini-game 10 times without failing.
crystal-novice achievement icon
Complete the "Crystals" mini-game 50 times without failing.
crystal-pro achievement icon
Crystal Pro 500 XP
Complete the "Crystals" mini-game 100 times without failing.
powerful-crystal achievement icon
Complete the "Crystals" mini-game 200 times without failing.
bling-superstar achievement icon
Bling Superstar 1500 XP
Complete the "Crystals" mini-game 400 times without failing.
location-scout achievement icon
Investigate 10 locations with any anomaly.
nowhere-to-hide_2 achievement icon
Investigate 50 locations with any anomaly.
location-checks achievement icon
Investigate 100 locations with any anomaly.
search-site achievement icon
Search Site 1000 XP
Investigate 200 locations with any anomaly.
location-is-key achievement icon
Location is Key 1500 XP
Investigate 400 locations with any anomaly.
magnifying-glass achievement icon
Use "Seeker’s Magnifier" tool 10 times.
go-large achievement icon
Go Large! 500 XP
Use "Seeker’s Magnifier" tool 50 times.
magnified-mentor achievement icon
Use "Seeker’s Magnifier" tool 150 times.
bigger-is-better achievement icon
Use "Seeker’s Magnifier" tool 300 times.
master-magnifier achievement icon
Use "Seeker’s Magnifier" tool 600 times.
power-up_2 achievement icon
Power Up 500 XP
Use 10 energy items.
packing-power achievement icon
Packing Power 500 XP
Use 50 energy items.
extra-strength achievement icon
Use 100 energy items.
energy-boost achievement icon
Energy Boost 1000 XP
Use 200 energy items.
supreme-energy achievement icon
Supreme Energy 1500 XP
Use 400 energy items.
kerching achievement icon
Kerching! 500 XP
Win 2000 coins.
coining-it-in achievement icon
Win 10,000 coins.
cash-rewards achievement icon
Cash Rewards 500 XP
Win 100,000 coins.
big-bucks achievement icon
Big Bucks 1000 XP
Win 500,000 coins.
millionaire_4 achievement icon
Millionaire! 1500 XP
Win 1,000,000 coins.
more-supplies achievement icon
More Supplies 500 XP
Make 5 purchases in the store.
resourceful achievement icon
Resourceful! 500 XP
Make 25 purchases in the store.
stock-up achievement icon
Stock Up! 500 XP
Make 50 purchases in the store.
shopping-spree_1 achievement icon
Shopping Spree 1000 XP
Make 100 purchases in the store.
big-spender_9 achievement icon
Big Spender 1500 XP
Make 300 purchases in the store.
extra-energy achievement icon
Extra Energy 500 XP
Use different boosts 5 times.
esteem-booster achievement icon
Use different boosts 25 times.
keep-it-going achievement icon
Keep It Going 500 XP
Use different boosts 50 times.
boost-variables achievement icon
Boost Variables 1000 XP
Use different boosts 100 times.
rocket-fuel achievement icon
Rocket Fuel 1500 XP
Use different boosts 300 times.
group-of-five achievement icon
Group of Five 500 XP
Add 5 friends.
party-with-pals achievement icon
Add 10 friends.
networking achievement icon
Networking! 500 XP
Add 50 friends.
public-event achievement icon
Public Event 1000 XP
Add 100 friends.
most-popular achievement icon
Most Popular 1500 XP
Add 300 friends.
handy-helper achievement icon
Handy Helper 500 XP
Send 10 items.
extra-deliveries achievement icon
Send 100 items.
pay-it-forward achievement icon
Send 300 items.
artifact-pro achievement icon
Artifact Pro 1000 XP
Send 600 items.
super-sender achievement icon
Super Sender 1500 XP
Send 1,000 items.
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