Doomsday Clicker Achievement List

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You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Doomsday Clicker below. This game is developed by PIKPOK. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP77000 points
RatingsNo Ratings


taking-this-on-the-road achievement icon
Unlock Desertopolis
i-found-the-lost-woods achievement icon
Unlock Forestville
let-it-snow_1 achievement icon
Let it snow! 2000 XP
Unlock Nuclear Snowland
it-s-better-where-it-s-wetter achievement icon
Unlock Pacific Ocean
getting-hot-in-here achievement icon
Unlock Hot Spring Hotel
the-song-made-me-do-it achievement icon
Cause a second Doomsday
triple-distilled achievement icon
Get a 3x on the Supercharger 10 times
super-duper-charge achievement icon
Get a 4x on the Supercharger 10 times
keep-things-spinning achievement icon
Spin the supercharger 10 times.
like-a-record-baby achievement icon
Spin the supercharger 100 times.
squishy achievement icon
Squishy! 1500 XP
Squash 200 pests.
very-squishable achievement icon
Very Squishable 2500 XP
Squash 2000 pests.
smushed achievement icon
Smushed 3500 XP
Squash 10000 pests.
making-room-for-roomies achievement icon
Collect 10 Roomies
roomie-roasting achievement icon
Roomie Roasting 1500 XP
Collect 20 Roomies
rice-a-roomie achievement icon
Rice-A-Roomie 2000 XP
Collect 30 Roomies
roomies-for-days achievement icon
Collect 40 Roomies
mickey-roomie achievement icon
Mickey Roomie 3000 XP
Collect 50 Roomies
roomies-of-doom achievement icon
Collect 60 Roomies
burn-it-all-down achievement icon
Cause a doomsday 10 times
ashes-to-ashes achievement icon
Ashes to ashes 1500 XP
Cause a doomsday 20 times
dust-to-dust_1 achievement icon
Dust to dust 2000 XP
Cause a doomsday 30 times
silver-monkey achievement icon
Silver Monkey 1000 XP
Upgrade all rooms in a location to silver.
i-love-gold achievement icon
I Love Gold! 2500 XP
Upgrade all rooms in a location to gold.
green-is-good achievement icon
Green is good! 3500 XP
Upgrade all rooms in a location to green.
nothing-will-stop-me achievement icon
Stop 10 incidents.
keep-things-running achievement icon
Stop 100 incidents.
what-would-they-do-without-you achievement icon
Stop 1000 incidents.
money-maker achievement icon
Money maker 3000 XP
Have lifetime profits of over 1 Septillion.
bling-it-up achievement icon
Bling it up! 4000 XP
Have lifetime profits of 1 Octodecillion
money-monkey achievement icon
Money monkey! 5000 XP
Have lifetime profits of over 1 Novemvigintillion
drowning-in-cash achievement icon
Have lifetime profits of over 1 Sextrigintillion
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Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
