Find a Yellow Fiend.
Find a Purple Fiend.
Find a Green Fiend.
Find a Blue Fiend.
Find a Red Fiend.
Find a Super Rare Purple Fiend.
Find a Super Rare Red Fiend.
Find a Super Rare Green Fiend.
Find a Super Rare Blue Fiend.
Find a Super Rare Yellow Fiend.
Beat level 20 to complete the Green Glades.
Beat level 60 to complete the Frozen Hills.
Beat level 120 to complete the Endless Desert.
Beat level 203 to complete the Ominous Ocean.
Beat level 400 to complete the Towering Treetops.
Beat level 500 to complete the Mushroom Valley.
Beat level 30 in Edward's Quest.
Beat level 30 in Gene's Quest.
Beat level 30 in JoJo's Quest.
Beat level 30 in Whisper's Quest.
Beat level 30 in Howie's Quest.
Beat level 30 in Temper's Quest
Beat level 30 in Bo's Quest