Best Fiends Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Best Fiends below. This game is developed by Seriously Digital Entertainment Ltd.. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP38500 points
RatingsNo Ratings


yellow-rescuer achievement icon
Find a Yellow Fiend.
purple-rescuer achievement icon
Find a Purple Fiend.
green-rescuer achievement icon
Green Rescuer 500 XP
Find a Green Fiend.
blue-rescuer achievement icon
Blue Rescuer 500 XP
Find a Blue Fiend.
red-rescuer achievement icon
Red Rescuer 500 XP
Find a Red Fiend.
purple-savior achievement icon
Purple Savior 2000 XP
Find a Super Rare Purple Fiend.
red-savior achievement icon
Red Savior 2000 XP
Find a Super Rare Red Fiend.
green-savior achievement icon
Green Savior 2000 XP
Find a Super Rare Green Fiend.
blue-savior achievement icon
Blue Savior 2000 XP
Find a Super Rare Blue Fiend.
yellow-savior achievement icon
Yellow Savior 2000 XP
Find a Super Rare Yellow Fiend.
green-glades-guardian achievement icon
Beat level 20 to complete the Green Glades.
frozen-hills-champion achievement icon
Beat level 60 to complete the Frozen Hills.
endless-desert-defender achievement icon
Beat level 120 to complete the Endless Desert.
ominous-ocean-protector achievement icon
Beat level 203 to complete the Ominous Ocean.
towering-treetops-liberator achievement icon
Beat level 400 to complete the Towering Treetops.
mushroom-valley-champion achievement icon
Beat level 500 to complete the Mushroom Valley.
help-edward achievement icon
Help Edward! 2000 XP
Beat level 30 in Edward's Quest.
help-gene achievement icon
Help Gene! 2000 XP
Beat level 30 in Gene's Quest.
help-jojo achievement icon
Help JoJo! 2000 XP
Beat level 30 in JoJo's Quest.
help-whisper achievement icon
Help Whisper! 2000 XP
Beat level 30 in Whisper's Quest.
help-howie achievement icon
Help Howie! 2000 XP
Beat level 30 in Howie's Quest.
help-temper achievement icon
Help Temper! 2000 XP
Beat level 30 in Temper's Quest
help-bo achievement icon
Help Bo! 2000 XP
Beat level 30 in Bo's Quest
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Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
