

Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

How many trailers can be connected to the large rover?
[Astroneer] - what is the max number of trailers that can be attached to the back of a large rover in astroneer? View Answer
Stuck inside the gateway engine after using the resource?
[Astroneer] - How are you meant to get the large research rocks back to your base to go into the research chambers in Astroneer? View Answer

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Death Stranding Box Art

Death Stranding

Death Stranding is the first game from Hideo Kojima's new studio Kojima productions. Since parting ways with Konami in what appeared to be a bitter riff, we have known he is working on a new project, but it was kept under wraps until launch. The game launched to mixed reviews. Some people were very fond of the game and how it tried to do something different. The other side of…
Astroneer Box Art


Astroneer is a space exploration game where players take control of an astronaut and must harvest the resources of the planet in order to expand and build up a settlement. Players can construct rockets which can be used to explore other planets in the solar system. Astroneer supports online multiplayer with up to 3 other players. A group of 4 astronauts can work together to explore the galaxy and uncover…
Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Box Art

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire

Obsidian Entertainment proudly presents the sequel to our crowdfunded and critically-acclaimed role-playing game, Pillars of Eternity. Welcome to Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire. With Pillars II, we are revisiting the rich narrative, beautiful environments, and tactical combat that made Pillars of Eternity one of the highest-rated PC games of all time.


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The Annoyance Being Locked Out Of Past Areas In A Game

Video game completionists and trophy hunters are nothing if not thorough, right? We live for the thrill of collection and completion, the joy of uncovering every hidden secret our virtual worlds have to offer. But what happens when we’re forced...
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Best Side Quests From Pillars of Eternity II

Pillars of Eternity II isn't just about the main storyline, it's also about the epic side journeys that transport us into tales of fascinating characters, deadly treasure hunts, and legendary seafaring adventures. And for that exact reason, we've assembled a...

Stuck inside the gateway engine after using the resource?

How are you meant to get the large research rocks back to your base to go into the research chambers in Astroneer?

How many trailers can be connected to the large rover?

what is the max number of trailers that can be attached to the back of a large rover in astroneer?
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How Much Walking Is There In Death Stranding?

Death Stranding is getting a lot of heat for having a lot of walking. The game is pretty much a delivery simulator, but how much walking is really involved, is it as bad as everyone says or has the hype...