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[Luigi's Mansion 3] - Where do I find toad when he has lost his camera. The professor wants me to find him View Answer
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Luigi's Mansion 3
Luigi embarks on a dream vacation with Mario and friends upon receiving an invitation to a luxurious hotel. However, his dream quickly becomes a nightmare when King Boo reveals everything had been a ploy to capture Mario and friends. With the assistance of Professor E. Gadd once again, the reluctant and cowardly hero Luigi traverses up and down treacherous floors of the now-ominous hotel on a quest to save them.
Fallout 76
It's the end of the world as we know it! The end of the world is not all doom and gloom however. Fallout 76 is a unique experience in the Fallout franchise from Bethesda as it is the first game that is focussed in providing an online experience. Fallout 76 is more like an MMO RPG, just not quite as massive in terms of players in a single map. Fallout…
Pop Vinyl Fallout 76 Radtoad Review
Score: 8.5/10
With the recent addition of the pop vinyl sentry bot to my Fallout shelf, one or two new things were needed to add a bit of life to the shelf. Sticking with my rule of not buying any more pops...
Where do you find toad with the camera?
Where do I find toad when he has lost his camera. The professor wants me to find him