

Is the PS5 more powerful than the Xbox Series X?

Is the PS5 a more powerful console than the Xbox Series x?

What does the RTG do?

What does the RTG do in Astroneer? It costs a lot of bytes, is it worth spending them to research it?
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Ultimate Guide To Powering Your Base

Anything you want to build in Astroneer is going to come with a power requirement. Whether it is smelting resources or crafting more advanced materials to use in your printer, you will need to make sure your base has power....

Will the Xbox Series X Have better graphics than the PS5?

Will the Xbox Series X have better graphics than the PS5?

What's the best way to power your base?

I am having trouble with power generation. Can someone give me some tips on the best way to generate power for your base in Astroneer?

How much power do gateway chambers need?

Whats the best way to gather up as much debris as possible in the most efficient way that reduces the number of trips back to the home base.

Do wind turbines work underground?

Do wind turbines generate energy when they are underground. Can they be used to power batteries?

Does power reduce with more connectors?

Will the amount of power available start to reduce the further a structure is away from the power source?

Where can I find Copper?

Where can I find copper for printing items that generate electricity?
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How To Enable Suspend & Resume For Games On Xbox One

One of the best features to come with this generation of game consoles is the ability to suspend and resume games. This means you can be in the middle of a game and turn your console off. Next time you...