hardcore mode


Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.

How Do You Defeat the Wither in Bedrock Without Losing Everything?
[MineCraft] - Seeking tips for battling the bedrock wither in hardcore mode without losing my world—best strategies and gear to use. View Answer
Struggling with RE2 Remake's Hardcore Mode - Why So Many Blue Herbs?
Why is RE2 REMAKE's hardcore mode flooding me with blue herbs when I need other resources? It's pure frustration! View Answer
Can I Revive My Hardcore Minecraft World After Dying?
[MineCraft] - Can I revert my hardcore Minecraft world after dying, or have I lost all my progress? View Answer
Should I Choose Hardcore or Normal Mode in Kingdom Come: Deliverance?
[Kingdom Come: Deliverance] - Should I choose Hardcore or Normal Mode in Kingdom Come: Deliverance for my first playthrough? View Answer
Facing Lilith in Hardcore Mode - What Did I Miss?
[Diablo IV] - Did I need prior knowledge of the Lilith fight in Diablo 4? I got one-shotted despite being overpowered! View Answer
Is Hardcore Mode in Diablo 4 Really That Tough?
Is hardcore mode in Diablo really that hard? Tips and guidance from the community for new hardcore players. View Answer

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Kingdom Come: Deliverance Box Art

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Story-driven open-world RPG that immerses you in an epic adventure in the Holy Roman Empire. Avenge your parents' death as you battle invading forces, go on game-changing quests, and make influential choices. Explore castles, forests, villages and other realistic settings in medieval Bohemia!
Diablo IV Box Art

Diablo IV

Endless demons to slaughter. Deep customization through Talents, Skill Points, Runes, and Legendary loot. Randomized dungeons contained in a dynamic open world. Survive and conquer darkness—or succumb to the shadows.


Is Hardcore Mode in Diablo 4 Really That Tough?

Is hardcore mode in Diablo really that hard? Tips and guidance from the community for new hardcore players.

Facing Lilith in Hardcore Mode - What Did I Miss?

Did I need prior knowledge of the Lilith fight in Diablo 4? I got one-shotted despite being overpowered!

Should I Choose Hardcore or Normal Mode in Kingdom Come: Deliverance?

Should I choose Hardcore or Normal Mode in Kingdom Come: Deliverance for my first playthrough?

Can I Revive My Hardcore Minecraft World After Dying?

Can I revert my hardcore Minecraft world after dying, or have I lost all my progress?

Struggling with RE2 Remake's Hardcore Mode - Why So Many Blue Herbs?

Why is RE2 REMAKE's hardcore mode flooding me with blue herbs when I need other resources? It's pure frustration!

How Do You Defeat the Wither in Bedrock Without Losing Everything?

Seeking tips for battling the bedrock wither in hardcore mode without losing my world—best strategies and gear to use.