Guild Wars 2
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Looking for a grindy MMO without much story, similar to OSRS, where I can enjoy endless hours listening to podcasts or watching videos. View Answer
[Guild Wars 2] - What should I do with nearly 1000 orichalcum bars to maximize profit in the game? View Answer
[Guild Wars 2] - Should I buy JW now to upgrade or wait for the complete saga sale next month for better value? View Answer
[Guild Wars 2] - What is a comfy open world Elementalist build for experienced players in Guild Wars 2? View Answer
[Guild Wars 2] - Struggling to set off great fireworks for the Lunar Event achievement? Here's how to complete it successfully! View Answer
[Guild Wars 2] - What are the best Discords for daily EU meta trains? I'm struggling to find active options for EU play. View Answer
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Guild Wars 2
Guild Wars 2 is an online role-playing game with fast-paced action combat, a rich and detailed universe of stories, awe-inspiring landscapes to explore, two challenging player vs. player modes, and no subscription fees!
What Classes Do You Enjoy Playing in Fractals?
What are the best classes to play in fractals? Explore community favorites and strategies for different roles.
Who's the Best Solo Open World Class in 2025?
In 2025, who reigns as the ultimate solo player in the open world of the game? Let's dive into the top contenders!
How to Unlock Expanded Weapon Proficiency in SotO?
Do I need to complete much of the story to access Expanded Weapon Proficiency after finishing EoD?
Experiencing Lag Spikes After Switching to TPG—Need Help!
Experiencing lag spikes after switching to TPG internet? Need help troubleshooting connection issues in GW2.
Should I Choose Specter or Mechanist for Healing?
Choosing between Specter and Mechanist for healing roles in Guild Wars 2 amid recent changes, which to main?
How can I access the Event Timer data for an Alexa Skill?
How can I access event timer data for an Alexa Skill using GW2 Ninja's API or any other source for events?
What Order Suits Human Revenants Best: Secrets or Priory?
Which order suits human revenants better: Secrets or Priory? Insights shared by the community.
Do Elite Specializations Make Rangers Feel More Fun?
How do Ranger elite specs affect gameplay for players seeking a ranged experience in Guild Wars 2?
Tips for New Commanders in Open World Events?
What advice do new commanders need to enhance open world gameplay and support fellow players effectively?
What’s Up with These Strange Jade Statuette Listings on the Trading Post?
What happened with the bizarre jade statuette listings on TP? I've never seen them before.