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Stuck at the desk after completing the GOAT test
[Fallout 3] - I am only in the early stages of the game and I am stuck in the classroom taking the GOAT test. I can't see any way of getting passed it. I am stuck View Answer

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Fallout 3 Box Art

Fallout 3

Fallout 3 from the creators of the award-winning Oblivion, featuring one of the most realized game worlds ever created. Create any kind of character you want and explore the open wastes of post-apocalyptic Washington D.C. Every minute is a fight for survival as you encounter Super Mutants, Ghouls, Raiders and other dangers of the Wasteland. Prepare for the future. The third game in the Fallout series, Fallout 3 is a…


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Goat Name Generator

Welcome to the goat name generator! Here you can find the perfect name for your pet goat or maybe just a wild one you see on your daily walk. Whether you're a farmer looking for a name for your newest...

Stuck at the desk after completing the GOAT test

I am only in the early stages of the game and I am stuck in the classroom taking the GOAT test. I can't see any way of getting passed it. I am stuck