game controls
Below you will find some related questions that people have asked related to this keyword.
How can I switch a game from Action Set controls to Basic Xinput Controller settings on my Steam Deck? View Answer
[Rocket League] - Are Epic messing with game controls and speeds? Players report odd car performance lately. What's happening? View Answer
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Rocket League
Rocket League is a high-powered hybrid of arcade-style soccer and vehicular mayhem with easy-to-understand controls and fluid, physics-driven competition. Rocket League includes casual and competitive Online Matches, a fully-featured offline Season Mode, special “Mutators” that let you change the rules entirely, hockey and basketball-inspired Extra Modes, and more than 500 trillion possible cosmetic customization combinations.
Is Epic Games Messing with Rocket League's Mechanics?
Are Epic messing with game controls and speeds? Players report odd car performance lately. What's happening?
How can I switch a game's controls from Action Sets to a basic Xinput Controller layout?
How can I switch a game from Action Set controls to Basic Xinput Controller settings on my Steam Deck?