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[Half-Life: Alyx] - How are you meant to stop the train with your father on it after the lever breaks in the control room? View Answer
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For those thinking of doing something they are unsure about, maybe a repair for an out of warranty product. Here are some useful hardware guides related to the crash.
PlayStation 5 Rest Mode Bug
Rest mode was a feature that was introduced in the PS4. It allowed you to essentially power the console down but it would not shut…
CE-108255-1 Error Code Guide for PlayStation
The CE-108255-1 error code is another common issue that PlayStation users may face. This error code typically appears when a game or application crashes on…
Half-Life: Alyx
Half-Life: Alyx marks the return of the highly popular Half-Life franchise. This fully VR experience puts players in the shoes of Alyx Vance as you attempt to gain control of a large weapon controlled by the Combine.
DEATHLOOP is an innovative first person shooter launching for PlayStation 5 and PC from Arkane Lyon, the award-winning studio behind the critically acclaimed Dishonored franchise. The studio’s new IP will continue Arkane’s signature gameplay design, challenging gamers to play their own way. As Colt, players are trapped in a time loop on the enigmatic island of Blackreef, doomed to repeat the same day for eternity. The only chance for escape…
CE-108255-1 Error Code Guide for PlayStation
The CE-108255-1 error code is another common issue that PlayStation users may face. This error code typically appears when a game or application crashes on the PlayStation console. In this guide, we will discuss the potential causes of this error...
Let's Play Deathloop - Part 7 - I Made The UI Drunk
A fresh morning but a not-so-fresh me. It didn't take long for the game to give up that I would be able to keep things under control. It got so bad that it crashed shortly after I got started, hence...
PlayStation 5 Rest Mode Bug
Rest mode was a feature that was introduced in the PS4. It allowed you to essentially power the console down but it would not shut down any apps that are running. This would allow you to boot back up and...
How do you stop the train after breaking the lever?
How are you meant to stop the train with your father on it after the lever breaks in the control room?