Video Game Guides


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Teleporting Between Planets In Astroneer

One of the most commonly asked questions by Astroneer players is, "Can we teleport between planets?" This guide explores the possibilities and techniques around this topic. In Astroneer, players can indeed teleport between planets, thanks to the Gateway Fast Travel...
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Activating Gateway Engines on Each Planet

Activating the Gateway Engines on each planet in Astroneer is an essential step toward mastering the game. This comprehensive guide will help you understand the requirements and techniques for successfully activating each Gateway Engine on every planet. Note: You will...
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Is The Hydrazine Thruster Worth Using?

The Hydrazine Thruster in Astroneer is a useful and reusable item primarily used for interplanetary travel in the game. Its main purpose is to propel vehicles, particularly the Shuttles, allowing for seamless transit between different planets. This distinct propulsion device...
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Beginner's Guide to Choosing a Class in Gothic

So, you're diving into the world of Gothic and can't wait to embark on your adventure. One of the first decisions you'll need to make as a new player is choosing a class. Luckily, This guide is here to help...
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Unlocking Potential and Acquiring Valuable Items Fire Emblem Heroes

Hello, fellow summoners! Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the various items you can acquire in Fire Emblem Heroes. In this guide, we'll walk you through each item, its description, and how to acquire it. So gear up and get...
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Mastering the Battle AI in Fire Emblem Heroes

Ready to master the battle AI in Fire Emblem Heroes? Well, you've come to the right place! The AI used in battles can seem daunting at first, but once you understand how it works, you'll have the upper hand in...
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Fire Emblem Heroes Advanced Growth Guide

In Fire Emblem Heroes, one of the key aspects of advancing your heroes is through the process of Advanced Growth. This guide will walk you through the steps of unlocking potential and merging allies, two important mechanics in the game...
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Training Tower Survival Guide: Level Up Your Heroes and Earn Rewards

Welcome to the Training Tower in Fire Emblem Heroes, where you can level up your heroes and earn rewards to help you on your journey. So, you're ready to jump into battle and advance through the Stratum difficulties? Let me...
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Will Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Be Available On PlayStation, Xbox, or Switch?

Harry Potter: Magic Awakened is an exciting new game that just debuted on Android and iOS devices. This guide will introduce you to the game and explore the question many Wizarding World enthusiasts are asking: Is Harry Potter Magic Awakened...
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Disabling the Security System in the Control Room

In Metal Gear Solid 1, one of the critical objectives is to disable the security system in the control room to access the underground base. This guide will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to disable the security system...