Video Game Guides


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How To Farm Infinite Uraium

Early on in the game, you are likely going to have a decent stash of uranium sitting around that you picked up in chests. Over time, the need for uranium rods for creating power is going to use them up...
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Easy Way To Farm Infinite Super Alloy

Super Alloy is one of the resources in Planet Crafter that is going to be in demand from the very start of the game until the end. Even if a structure does not use super alloy directly, one of the...
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How To Get Algae For Crafting

Algae is something that will quickly come to your attention mid-way through the game. You find yourself needing to create something like fertilizer and with this, you will need three units of Algae and more than likely have not come...
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Crude Sythe Or A Crude Blade For Crops?

During the game's main tutorial, you will be shown how to use a blade to cut crops in order to harvest straw and grain seeds. Since wheat is going to be the primary source of gold for quite some time....
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How To Automate Sand Collection & Storage

Sand will have been on the doorstep of your settlement since you started the game and it will be quite some time before you find yourself needing it. You are more than likely looking to start making mortar to upgrade...
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How to Automate Creating New Bots

Creating bots is going to be a regular requirement from the beginning to the end of the game. You are always going to need new bots. Be it for automating resource gathering or for creating soldiers to fight the pirates....
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Where To find Weeds

Weeds are not something you would ever really pay attention to, even in resource-driven games like this. It isn't until you get to the point where you need to start crafting bows for archers that you will hit this issue....
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How To Craft A Sledgehammer

As you begin to expand your war against the pirates across the map, you will eventually find yourself at an outpost where you have a pirate barracks. These structures will keep producing new pirates to attack you. Unless you destroy...
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Where to Get Rough Stone Block

Stone pieces that you get from using a pickaxe on a patch of stone will be the requirement for a huge amount of blueprints in Autonauts. It is most definitely an item worth setting up a builder for when it...
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How To Make Soldiers Attack Buildings

If you have followed the game's tutorial by using a combat dummy to teach your soldier bots how to attack, you will find that these soldiers do nothing against buildings. They are designed to attack pirate bots and will completely...