Redungeon Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Redungeon below. This game is developed by Nitrome. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP60500 points
RatingsNo Ratings


new-faces achievement icon
New Faces! 1500 XP
Unlock a character
new-powers achievement icon
New Powers! 1000 XP
Upgrade a character
pantheon-of-heroes achievement icon
Unlock all characters
veteran_8 achievement icon
Veteran 1000 XP
Play for an hour in total
treasure-hunter_5 achievement icon
Treasure Hunter 2000 XP
Loot a hundred chests
pick-up-master achievement icon
Pick-up Master 8000 XP
Pick up 1000 coins
the-joker achievement icon
The Joker 2500 XP
Kill 100 bats
webmaster achievement icon
Webmaster 3000 XP
Get out of 50 cobwebs with no mistakes
pest-control_1 achievement icon
Pest Control 2500 XP
Kill 100 slimes
under-cover achievement icon
Under Cover 1500 XP
Break 50 shields
horror-show achievement icon
Horror Show 2500 XP
Scare 100 creatures
a-safer-place achievement icon
A Safer Place 3000 XP
Destroy 500 traps without using a sword or a shield
money-loves-me achievement icon
Money Loves Me 3000 XP
Attract 2000 coins from a distance
bat-ambition achievement icon
Bat Ambition 5000 XP
Fly 50 meters in total
light-ritu achievement icon
Light Ritu... 2000 XP
Die while performing an epic ritual
i-slo-u achievement icon
I Slo U 1500 XP
Spend 3 minutes in slo-mo
fifty-heads-of-grave achievement icon
Lose your head 50 times
ancient-ssssigns achievement icon
Draw 50 signs as Medusa
fire-eater_1 achievement icon
Fire Eater 2000 XP
Absorb 100 fireballs with Rik
blackout achievement icon
Blackout 3000 XP
Deplete 100 zappers with Panic Bot
the-strongest-arrrgument achievement icon
Shoot 100 bullets as Captain Bragg
escalating-panic achievement icon
Crush 12 Panic Bots
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Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
