Quiz: Logo game Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Quiz: Logo game below. This game is developed by Lemmings at work. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP75000 points
RatingsNo Ratings


hey-that-s-easy achievement icon
Solve 10 puzzles
getting-better-at-his achievement icon
Solve 50 puzzles
bring-it_5 achievement icon
Bring it! 1000 XP
Solve 200 puzzles
half-way-through achievement icon
Solve 500 puzzles
final-straight-ahead achievement icon
Solve 750 puzzles.
who-s-the-man achievement icon
Who's the man?! 5000 XP
Solve 1000 puzzles
just-popped-my-cherry achievement icon
Complete all logos from one level
ok-i-got-this achievement icon
Ok. I got this 2000 XP
Complete all logos from 5 levels
this-was-easier-than-i-thought achievement icon
Complete all logos from 10 levels
it-s-something achievement icon
It's something 3000 XP
Complete all logos from 15 levels
i-can-almost-feel-it achievement icon
Complete all logos from 20 levels
oh-my-god-it-s-full-of-stars achievement icon
Complete all logos from 25 levels
i-am-good-at-this achievement icon
Solve 50 puzzles perfectly.
i-was-born-for-this achievement icon
Solve 100 puzzles perfectly
this-will-be-my-mastepiece achievement icon
250 logos solved perfectly
perfectionist_6 achievement icon
Perfectionist 1000 XP
Solved 500 logos perfectly
end-times achievement icon
End times 3000 XP
Unlock Level 25
can-t-touch-this_1 achievement icon
All logos within a level solved without hints
wow-i-am-on-a-roll-here achievement icon
Whole level solved with no mistakes
race-driver achievement icon
Race driver 1000 XP
60 automotive logos solved
shark-of-wallstreet achievement icon
40 finance logos solved
i-am-fabulous achievement icon
I am fabulous 1000 XP
75 logos from fashion solved
trust-me-i-am-an-engineer achievement icon
25 logos from electronics category solved
developer achievement icon
Developer 1000 XP
25 logos from video games category solved
director-of-programming achievement icon
25 logos from tv solved
i-need-help-now achievement icon
Use 10 hints
mr-resourcefull achievement icon
Use every type of hint at least once
roll-it achievement icon
Roll it! 500 XP
Hint "random letter" used 50 times
spelling-bee achievement icon
Spelling bee 500 XP
Hint "selected letter" used at least 50 times
writer achievement icon
Writer 500 XP
Hint "selected word" used at least 50 times
i-choose-quiz-words-for-one-hundred achievement icon
Hint "category" used at least 50 times
no-counterfeiting-please achievement icon
Hint "remove extra letters" used at least 50 times
would-you-kindly-solve-this-for-me achievement icon
Use hint "solve my logo" at least 50 times
perfect-10_1 achievement icon
Perfect 10 500 XP
Solve perfectly 10 logos in a row
streak_2 achievement icon
Streak 1000 XP
Solve perfectly 25 logos in a row
this-is-crazy achievement icon
This is crazy! 2500 XP
Solve perfectly 50 logos in a row
ace_8 achievement icon
Ace 5000 XP
Solve perfectly 100 logos in a row
fuelhead achievement icon
Fuelhead 1000 XP
Solve 5 automotive logos in a row
clerk achievement icon
Clerk 2000 XP
Solve 5 logos from finance category in a row
fashionista achievement icon
Fashionista 1000 XP
Solve 5 fashion logos in a row
master-electronic achievement icon
Solve 5 electronics logos in a row
gamer_1 achievement icon
Gamer 2000 XP
Solve 5 logos from video games category in a row
couchsurfer achievement icon
Couchsurfer 2000 XP
Solve 5 logos from television category in a row
master-of-dissaster achievement icon
Make 50 wrong guesses
Rate The Game
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Rate The Visuals
Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
