Reach a depth of 50m.
Reach a depth of 100m.
Reach a depth of 200m.
Reach a depth of 500m.
Collect over 200 cash in one run.
Collect over 500 cash in one run.
Collect over 1000 cash in one run.
Collect over 2000 cash in one run.
Reach level 10.
Reach level 20.
Reach level 50.
Max out a card.
Max out the pick.
Find a legendary card.
Find a piece of legendary gear.
Discover a new island.
Recover the pick.
Boost a card.
Buy a card pack.
Recycle a card.
Recycle a piece of gear.
Craft a card.
Craft a piece of gear.
Change a loadout's name.
Add a friend.
Send an artifact.
Break a friend block.
Build a 50m tall ladder.
Trigger a chain reaction of 3 blocks.
Start a game with 3 legendary cards and 3 legendary pieces of gear.
Score 250 or more in the secret mini-game Whack-A-Picky.