Order & Chaos 2: 3D MMO RPG Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Order & Chaos 2: 3D MMO RPG below. This game is developed by Gameloft. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

CategoryRole Playing
Total XP19000 points
RatingsNo Ratings


novice_12 achievement icon
Novice 500 XP
Reach level 5 with any character
apprentice_4 achievement icon
Apprentice 500 XP
Reach level 10 with any character
amateur_7 achievement icon
Amateur 1000 XP
Reach level 20 with any character
expert_28 achievement icon
Expert 1500 XP
Reach level 30 with any character
master_146 achievement icon
Master 2000 XP
Reach level 45 with any character
friend-in-need_4 achievement icon
Add 10 players as friends
killing-is-not-murder achievement icon
Kill 1,000 enemies
stronger-than-ever-i achievement icon
Reach a CS of 20K
stronger-than-ever-ii achievement icon
Reach a CS of 40K
stronger-than-ever-iii achievement icon
Reach a CS of 80K
the-beast-master-i achievement icon
Get a Grade-A companion
the-beast-master-ii achievement icon
Get a Grade-S companion
i-m-rich-i achievement icon
I'm RICH I 1000 XP
Spend 200 Runes
i-m-rich-ii achievement icon
I'm RICH II 2000 XP
Spend 300 runes
i-m-rich-iii achievement icon
I'm RICH III 3000 XP
Spend 500 Runes
Rate The Game
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Rate The Visuals
Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
