Take out your first target.
Buy your first Premium weapon.
Score twice as high than your opponent's score in an Assault Mission.
Destroy an enemy drone.
Get a double headshot kill.
Kill 1 other enemy while a Knifeman is about to attack you.
Shoot an enemy while midair.
Kill 50 enemies with Thermal active
Take friends into battle 50 times.
Take alliance members into battle 50 times.
Be part of an Alliance with at least 10 members.
Kill 10,000 enemies.
Kill 10 enemies using a Sniper rifle without scoping in.
Get 500 kills with torso shots.
Get 500 kills with arm shots.
Get 500 kills with hand shots.
Get 500 kills with leg shots.
Get 300 explosive kills.
Detonate 50 explosive barrels.
Own all 4 classes of weapons.
Fully upgrade a Sniper rifle.
Fully upgrade a Shotgun.
Fully upgrade an Assault Rifle.
Fully upgrade a SAW.
Purchase the Silencer upgrade for a sniper rifle.
Spend 500 Medals on Customization Items
Get 1000 kills with a sniper rifle.
Get 1000 kills with a assault rifle.
Get 1000 kills with a shotgun.
Get 1000 kills with a Machine Gun.
Accumulate a total of 10,000,000 Bucks.
Kill another player with a headshot in PvP
Shoot an enemy rocket before it hits you.
Kill an enemy sniper within the first 10 seconds of a PvP match
Kill an enemy sniper within the last 10 seconds of a PvP match
Kill an enemy sniper with a fully upgraded rifle in PvP