Human Evolution Clicker Game: Rise of Mankind Achievement List

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You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Human Evolution Clicker Game: Rise of Mankind below. This game is developed by WAZZAPPS. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP91000 points
RatingsNo Ratings


can-touch-this achievement icon
Click for the first time.
clicker-hero achievement icon
Clicker Hero 500 XP
Click 100 times.
everytime-we-touch-i-get-this-feeling achievement icon
Click 1000 times.
screen-destroyer achievement icon
Click 10000 times
phone-breaker achievement icon
Phone Breaker 1500 XP
Click 100000 times.
rip-fingers achievement icon
RIP Fingers 2000 XP
Click 1000000 times.
polymerization achievement icon
Make the first merge.
merg-o-machine achievement icon
Make 10 merges.
merry-merges achievement icon
Merry Merges 500 XP
Make 100 merges.
united-we-stand_2 achievement icon
Make 1000 merges.
reproduction-artist achievement icon
Make 10000 merges.
underwater-documentary achievement icon
Finish the first era.
dark-ages achievement icon
Dark Ages 500 XP
Finish the second era.
technical-difficulties achievement icon
Finish the third era.
to-infinity-and-beyond achievement icon
Finish the fourth era.
i-am-your-god-now achievement icon
Finish the fifth era.
bit-of-this-bit-of-that achievement icon
Choose Hybrids.
salvation-of-the-terminators achievement icon
Choose Cyborgs.
human-rights achievement icon
Human(?) Rights 1000 XP
Choose Hybrids and Cyborgs in planets.
malfunction achievement icon
Malfunction 1500 XP
Choose Space Robots.
consumer achievement icon
Consumer 1500 XP
Choose Biomass
aliens-cowboys achievement icon
Choose Space Robots and Biomass in different planets.
death-to-all-assassins achievement icon
Choose Templars
mayhem_1 achievement icon
Mayhem 1500 XP
Choose Chaos
order-in-chaos achievement icon
Order in Chaos 2000 XP
Choose Templars and Chaos in different planets.
perfectly-balanced achievement icon
Choose Space Robots, Biomass, Templars and Chaos in different planets.
beholding-before-it-was-cool achievement icon
Finish a planet as “Beholder”.
havoc achievement icon
Havoc 1000 XP
Finish a planet as “Essence of Chaos”.
omnipotent_1 achievement icon
Omnipotent 1000 XP
Finish a planet as “Supreme Being”.
atlas-rise achievement icon
Atlas, Rise! 1000 XP
Finish a planet as “Atlas”.
two-above-all achievement icon
Two Above All 1500 XP
Finish 2 different planets as 2 different Singularity creatures.
four-above-all achievement icon
Four Above All 2000 XP
Finish 4 different planets as 4 different Singularity creatures.
i-wanna-be-the-very-best achievement icon
Unlock 1 new creature.
like-no-one-ever-was achievement icon
Unlock 20 new creatures.
to-catch-them-is-my-real-test achievement icon
Unlock 10 new creatures.
to-train-them-is-my-cause achievement icon
Unlock 20 new creatures.
gotta-catch-em-all_2 achievement icon
Unlock all creatures.
level-up_20 achievement icon
Level Up! 500 XP
Purchase an upgrade for the first time.
evolution-development achievement icon
Purchase 5 upgrades.
investment-at-its-finest achievement icon
Purchase 10 upgrades.
harder-better-faster-stronger achievement icon
Purchase 20 upgrades.
all-in-all achievement icon
All in All 2500 XP
Purchase all upgrades.
maximum-effort achievement icon
Maximum Effort 1000 XP
Bring an upgrade to maximum level.
triple-threat achievement icon
Triple Threat 1500 XP
Bring 3 different upgrades to maximum level.
no-discrimination achievement icon
Bring all upgrades to maximum level in the 1st planet.
fill-it-for-the-second-time achievement icon
Bring all upgrades to maximum level in the 2nd planet.
another-one achievement icon
Another One? 1500 XP
Bring all upgrades to maximum level in the 3rd planet.
four-times achievement icon
Four Times! 2000 XP
Bring all upgrades to maximum level in the 4th planet.
again-and-again achievement icon
Bring all upgrades to maximum level in the 5th planet.
hooman-loves-you achievement icon
Purchase your first creature.
owner-of-pets achievement icon
Owner of Pets 500 XP
Purchase 10 creatures.
adoption achievement icon
Adoption 500 XP
Purchase 25 creatures.
pet-tamer achievement icon
Pet Tamer 1000 XP
Purchase 50 creatures.
we-re-gonna-need-a-bigger-boat_1 achievement icon
Purchase 100 creatures.
master-of-pets achievement icon
Master of Pets 1500 XP
Purchase 250 creatures.
initial-salary achievement icon
Collect from Piggy Bank for the first time.
bank-account achievement icon
Bank Account 500 XP
Collect from Piggy Bank for 10 times.
hoarder_2 achievement icon
Hoarder 1000 XP
Collect from Piggy Bank for 25 times.
economist_1 achievement icon
Economist 1000 XP
Collect from Piggy Bank for 50 times.
richie-rich_3 achievement icon
Richie Rich 1000 XP
Collect from Piggy Bank for 100 times.
das-kapital achievement icon
Das Kapital 1500 XP
Collect from Piggy Bank for 250 times.
mechanic_9 achievement icon
Mechanic 500 XP
Open the settings(options).
nice-to-meet-you achievement icon
Open the credits.
on-off achievement icon
On-Off 500 XP
Switch between eras for 10 times
switcher_1 achievement icon
Switcher 500 XP
Switch between eras for 100 times
chilling achievement icon
Chilling 500 XP
Do nothing for 10 seconds.
idle-hero achievement icon
Idle Hero 500 XP
Do nothing for 25 seconds.
fullfill achievement icon
Fullfill 500 XP
Collect from a full Piggy Bank.
welcome-back_1 achievement icon
Welcome Back! 500 XP
Turn back to game after closing it for the first time.
how-was-your-ride achievement icon
Turn back to game for the 10t time after closing it for the 9th time.
this-is-an-achievement achievement icon
Open the achievements section.
this-is-your-40th-achievement achievement icon
Unlock 39 achievements.
this-is-your-80th-achievement achievement icon
Unlock 79 achievements.
astronaut_1 achievement icon
Astronaut 500 XP
Complete your first Space Expedition.
i-believe-i-can-fly achievement icon
Complete 5 Space Expeditions.
we-are-not-alone achievement icon
Complete 10 Space Expeditions.
expendable achievement icon
Expendable 1000 XP
Complete 25 Space Expeditions.
space-is-pretty achievement icon
Space is Pretty 1500 XP
Complete 50 Space Expeditions.
finally-discovered-0-0000000001-of-the-universe achievement icon
Complete 100 Space Expeditions.
landlord_1 achievement icon
Landlord 500 XP
Purchase your 2nd planet.
colonization achievement icon
Colonization 1000 XP
Purchase your 3rd planet.
inhabiter achievement icon
Inhabiter 1500 XP
Purchase your 4th planet.
expansionist_1 achievement icon
Expansionist 2000 XP
Purchase your 5th planet.
evolve-inc achievement icon
Evolve Inc. 3000 XP
Unlock all other achievements.
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Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
