Fast like a Fox Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Fast like a Fox below. This game is developed by Fingersoft. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP47500 points
RatingsNo Ratings


final-run achievement icon
Final Run 5000 XP
Finish the last level of the game.
no-coins achievement icon
No coins 5000 XP
No coins collected in a level.
fast-like-a-fox achievement icon
Fast like a Fox 5000 XP
Over 15 minutes to complete a level.
fail-like-a-fox achievement icon
Fail like a Fox 5000 XP
Fall down the same chasm 5 times in a row!
still-running achievement icon
Still running! 5000 XP
After failing, finish level.
cloud-temple achievement icon
Cloud Temple 2500 XP
World completed!
snow-valley achievement icon
Snow Valley 2500 XP
World completed!
gray-mountains achievement icon
Gray Mountains 2500 XP
World completed!
lava-caves achievement icon
Lava Caves 2500 XP
World completed!
giant-forest achievement icon
Giant Forest 2500 XP
World completed!
sunset-city achievement icon
Sunset City 2500 XP
World completed!
underground achievement icon
Underground 2500 XP
World completed!
launch-complex achievement icon
Launch Complex 2500 XP
World completed!
space_2 achievement icon
Space 2500 XP
World completed!
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Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
