Dog Simulator Achievement List

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You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Dog Simulator below. This game is developed by Swift Apps LLC. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP72000 points
RatingsNo Ratings


woof-woof achievement icon
Woof, woof! 500 XP
Start the game in a single player mode
first-mess achievement icon
First mess 1000 XP
Receive one star at any level
uncontrollable achievement icon
Uncontrollable 2000 XP
Gain at least one star in every level
eat-the-meal achievement icon
Eat the meal 1000 XP
Eat a meal from puppy's bowl
ride-the-vacuum-cleaner achievement icon
Ride on the vacuum cleaner
open-the-fridge achievement icon
Open the fridge 1000 XP
Open the fridge and make a big mess
start-the-lawnmower achievement icon
Make the lawmower start its engine
destroy-the-water-tower achievement icon
Make a huge water tower collapse
stop-the-gig achievement icon
Stop the gig 1000 XP
Scare the band and ruin the party
pyromaniac_1 achievement icon
Pyromaniac 1000 XP
Run the fireworks show!
shepherd-s-dog achievement icon
Shepherd's dog 1000 XP
Keep the herd together and catch escaping sheep
dog-swag achievement icon
Dog swag 500 XP
Own swag glasses
punk-s-life achievement icon
Punk's life 500 XP
Own punk haircut
pirate-bay achievement icon
Pirate bay 500 XP
Own a pirate hat
naughty_2 achievement icon
Naughty 1000 XP
Score 300,000 points in total
troublemaker achievement icon
Troublemaker 2000 XP
Score 3 million points in total
humans-nightmare achievement icon
Score 30 million points in total
mark-the-area achievement icon
Mark the area 1000 XP
Earn 3 stars in a single level
neighborhood-ambassador achievement icon
Earn 3 stars in at least 5 levels
town-terror achievement icon
Town terror 4000 XP
Earn 3 stars in every level
warmed-up_1 achievement icon
Warmed up 500 XP
Play the game for 10 minutes in total
brisk achievement icon
Brisk 1500 XP
Play the game for 1 hour in total
unresting achievement icon
Unresting 2500 XP
Play the game for 5 hours in total
mess-addict achievement icon
Mess addict 4000 XP
Play the game for 30 hours in total
wealthy_1 achievement icon
Wealthy 1000 XP
Earn 5,000 gold in total
rich-pet achievement icon
Rich pet 2000 XP
Earn 40,000 gold in total
made-of-money achievement icon
Made of money 3000 XP
Earn 300,000 gold in total
double-trouble_1 achievement icon
Double trouble 1000 XP
Own at least two dogs
dog-lover achievement icon
Dog lover 2500 XP
Own at least 8 dogs
dog-collector achievement icon
Dog collector 5000 XP
Own at least 20 dogs
midnight-run achievement icon
Midnight run 1000 XP
Play the game in night mode
burglar_1 achievement icon
Burglar 500 XP
Get at least one star in the shop by night
crowned achievement icon
Crowned 1000 XP
Win your first multiplayer round
conqueror_19 achievement icon
Conqueror 1500 XP
Win a multiplayer round on each map
collie-master achievement icon
Collie master 1000 XP
Win a multiplayer round playing one of the collies
bulldog-master achievement icon
Bulldog master 1000 XP
Win a multiplayer round playing one of the bulldogs
wolf-master achievement icon
Wolf master 1000 XP
Win a multiplayer round playing one of the wolves
winning-spree_5 achievement icon
Winning-spree 1000 XP
Win 3 multiplayer rounds in a row
all-hail-the-king achievement icon
Win 10 multiplayer rounds in a row
the-more-the-merrier_1 achievement icon
Play 20 rounds in multiplayer mode
party-player achievement icon
Party player 2000 XP
Play 100 rounds in multiplayer mode
celebrity_1 achievement icon
Celebrity 3000 XP
Play 300 rounds in multiplayer mode
better-than-the-rest achievement icon
Win 20 multiplayer mode rounds
born-champion achievement icon
Born champion 2000 XP
Win 100 multiplayer mode rounds
legendary_28 achievement icon
Legendary 3000 XP
Win 300 multiplayer mode rounds
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Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
