Run 10 meters
Run 250 meters
Run 2500 meters
Run 15000 meters
Use an item
Use 25 items
Use 100 items
Cast a spell
Cast 25 spells
Cast 100 spells
Buy a piece of gear
Buy 10 pieces of gear
Buy 25 pieces of gear
Defeat the 'Goblin King'
Defeat the Forest Boss
Defeat the Cave Boss
Defeat the Swamp Boss
Defeat the Castle boss
Defeat the Lich
Defeat 10 enemies
Defeat 250 enemies
Defeat 2500 enemies
Defeat 15000 enemies
Block an attack
Block 10 times
Block 100 times
Run 500 meters in Hero Mode
Run 2500 meters in Hero Mode
Run 15000 meters in Hero Mode
Defeat the 'Lich' in Hero Mode
Buy a Pet
Upgrade a Pet
Unlock the Epic shop
Buy an Epic item
Use your pet's ability 25 times
Throw 50 Snowballs
Play on 5 consecutive days
Feed your pet 50 pet treats
Finish any node on Master difficulty
Complete 10% of the World Map
Complete 50% of the World Map
Complete 100% of the World Map
Win all prizes in the Archery mini-game
Win all prizes in the Goblin Horde challenge
Earn your first Legend Level
Spend a Perk Point
Earn Legend Level 5
Make your way to the Dark Forest
Make your way to the Gloom Caverns
Make your way to the Deadly Marsh
Make your way to the Castle
Make your way to the Dark Castle
Enter the Daily Dungeon for the first time
Reach a Daily Dungeon Safe Room
Defeat a Boss in the Daily Dungeon
Reach Level 25
Reach Level 60
Reach Level 100
Defeat the Wraith in the Daily Dungeon