Case Clicker Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Case Clicker below. This game is developed by Hawk Games. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP88500 points
RatingsNo Ratings


coin-tapper-i achievement icon
Coin Tapper I 500 XP
You've tapped the coin 100 times. Nice!
coin-tapper-ii achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 250 times. Nice!
coin-tapper-iii achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 500 times. Good!
coin-tapper-iv achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 1,000 times. Good!
coin-tapper-v achievement icon
Coin Tapper V 500 XP
You've tapped the coin 2,000 times. Great!
coin-tapper-vi achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 5,000 times. Great!
coin-tapper-vii achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 10,000 times. Amazing!
coin-tapper-viii achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 15,000 times. Amazing!
master-coin-tapper-i achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 20,000 times. Brilliant!
master-coin-tapper-ii achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 30,000 times. Brilliant!
master-coin-tapper-iii achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 40,000 times. Brilliant!
master-coin-tapper-iv achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 50,000 times. Brilliant!
master-coin-tapper-v achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 75,000 times. Brilliant!
master-coin-tapper-vi achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 100,000 times. Brilliant!
elite-coin-tapper-i achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 250,000 times. Brilliant!
elite-coin-tapper-ii achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 500,000 times. Brilliant!
elite-coin-tapper-iii achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 750,000 times. Brilliant!
elite-coin-tapper-iv achievement icon
You've tapped the coin 1,000,000 times. Brilliant!
out-of-silver achievement icon
Out of Silver 500 XP
You've finally managed to get out of silver. Yeah!
out-of-gold achievement icon
Out of Gold 500 XP
You've finally managed to get out of gold. Keep going.
the-eagle_1 achievement icon
The Eagle 500 XP
You're now Legendary Eagle! Congratulations!
global-elite achievement icon
case-tapper-i achievement icon
Case Tapper I 500 XP
You've tapped the case 100 times. Nice!
case-tapper-ii achievement icon
You've tapped the case 250 times. Good!
case-tapper-iii achievement icon
You've tapped the case 500 times. Good!
case-tapper-iv achievement icon
You've tapped the case 1,000 times. Great!
case-tapper-v achievement icon
Case Tapper V 500 XP
You've tapped the case 2,500 times. Great!
case-tapper-vi achievement icon
You've tapped the case 5,000 times. Great!
case-tapper-vii achievement icon
You've tapped the case 10,000 times. Great!
case-tapper-viii achievement icon
You've tapped the case 15,000 times. Brilliant!
master-case-tapper-i achievement icon
You've tapped the case 25,000 times. Brilliant!
master-case-tapper-ii achievement icon
You've tapped the case 50,000 times. Amazing!
master-case-tapper-iii achievement icon
You've tapped the case 75,000 times. Amazing!
master-case-tapper-iv achievement icon
You've tapped the case 100,000 times. Amazing!
elite-case-tapper-i achievement icon
You've tapped the case 250,000 times. Incredible!
elite-case-tapper-ii achievement icon
You've tapped the case 500,000 times. Incredible!
elite-case-tapper-iii achievement icon
You've tapped the case 750,000 times. Incredible!
elite-case-tapper-iv achievement icon
You've tapped the case 1,000,000 times. Incredible!
fir-t-dollar achievement icon
Fir$t dollar 500 XP
You've earned your first dollar!
second-dollar achievement icon
Second Dollar 500 XP
You've earned your second dollar!
ten-dollars achievement icon
Ten Dollars 500 XP
You'll be rich soon!
hundred-dollars achievement icon
You've earned a total of 100 dollars! Nice!
five-hundred-dollars achievement icon
You've earned a total of 500 dollars! Nice!
thousand-dollars achievement icon
You've earned a total of 1,000 dollars! Amazing!
the-money-is-mine achievement icon
You've earned a total of 5,000 dollars! Amazing!
rockefeller_1 achievement icon
Rockefeller 500 XP
You've earned a total of 10,000 dollars! Unbelievable!
achievement-unlocker achievement icon
You've unlocked your 10th achievement.
achievement-mastah achievement icon
You've unlocked your 30th achievement.
the-unlocker achievement icon
The Unlocker 500 XP
You've unlocked your 60th achievement. Woah!
100-achievements achievement icon
You've unlocked your 100th achievement. Amazing!
150-achievements achievement icon
You've unlocked your 150th achievement. Amazing!
yay-knife achievement icon
Yay knife! 500 XP
You've found your first knife. Congratulations!
second-knife achievement icon
Second knife! 500 XP
You've found your second knife. What a luck!
knife-master achievement icon
Knife Master 500 XP
You've found your 10th knife. Woah!
the-red-one achievement icon
The Red One 500 XP
You've found your first covert skin.
covert-collector achievement icon
You've already found 10 covert skins! Amazing!
the-pink-one achievement icon
The Pink One 500 XP
You've found your first classified skin.
classified-collector achievement icon
You've already found 10 classified skins! Amazing!
five-in-the-wallet achievement icon
You have over 5 dollars in your wallet!
ten-in-the-wallet achievement icon
You have over 10 dollars in your wallet!
hundred-in-the-wallet achievement icon
You have over 100 dollars in your wallet!
rich-man_1 achievement icon
Rich Man 500 XP
You have over 1000 dollars in your wallet! Unbelievable!
magic-key_1 achievement icon
Magic Key 500 XP
Woah! You've bought your first key!
ten-keys achievement icon
Ten Keys 500 XP
Yay! You've bought your 10th key!
keyholder achievement icon
Keyholder 500 XP
You've bought your 100th key! Incredible!
secret_12 achievement icon
Secret 500 XP
You've found the secret!
secret-ii achievement icon
Secret II 500 XP
You've found the second secret!
secret-iii achievement icon
Secret III 500 XP
You've found the third secret!
secret-iv achievement icon
Secret IV 500 XP
You've found the fourth secret!
first-case achievement icon
First Case 500 XP
Opened your first case? Nice.
case-opener achievement icon
Case Opener 500 XP
You've opened your 10th case!
case-addict achievement icon
Case Addict 500 XP
Woah! You've opened your 50th case!
case-mastah achievement icon
Case Mastah 500 XP
You can't be stopped! You've opened your 100th case!
stattrak-guaranteed achievement icon
You've bought StatTrak guarantee!
yeah-stattrak achievement icon
You've found your first StatTrak skin.
more-stattraks achievement icon
You've found your 5th StatTrak skin.
even-more-stattraks achievement icon
You've found your 10th StatTrak skin.
stattraker achievement icon
StatTraker 500 XP
You've found your 50th StatTrak skin.
stattrak-king achievement icon
StatTrak King 500 XP
You've found your 100th StatTrak skin.
5-upgrades achievement icon
5 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 5th upgrade.
10-upgrades achievement icon
10 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 10th upgrade.
25-upgrades achievement icon
25 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 25th upgrade.
50-upgrades achievement icon
50 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 50th upgrade.
70-upgrades achievement icon
70 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 70th upgrade.
100-upgrades achievement icon
100 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 100th upgrade.
125-upgrades achievement icon
125 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 125th upgrade.
150-upgrades achievement icon
150 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 150th upgrade.
175-upgrades achievement icon
175 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 175th upgrade.
200-upgrades achievement icon
200 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 200th upgrade.
gun-deal achievement icon
Gun Deal 500 XP
You've signed your first gun contract!
gun-trader achievement icon
Gun Trader 500 XP
You've already signed 10 gun contracts! Keep going!
give-me-better-skins achievement icon
You've signed your 50th gun contract! Amazing!
valuable-skin achievement icon
Valuable Skin 500 XP
You've sold a skin worth more than $25!
social-guy achievement icon
Social Guy 500 XP
You've clicked our facebook button! Thank you!
that-s-a-nice-logo achievement icon
You've clicked the game logo. But why?
y-u-do-dis achievement icon
Y U DO DIS?! 500 XP
no-more-sounds achievement icon
You've disabled the game sounds.
first-ad achievement icon
First AD 500 XP
You've watched your first AD!
ten-ads achievement icon
Ten ADs 500 XP
You've watched your 10th AD! Thank you!
ad-watcher achievement icon
AD Watcher 500 XP
You've watched your 50th AD! Thanks for support!
ad-master achievement icon
AD Master 500 XP
You've watched your 250th AD! Thanks for support!
mission-completed achievement icon
You've completed your first mission!
next-mission-completed achievement icon
You've completed your second mission! Keep going!
five-missions achievement icon
You've completed your 5th mission! Nice!
first-capsule achievement icon
First Capsule 500 XP
You've opened your first sticker capsule!
ten-capsules achievement icon
Ten Capsules 500 XP
You've opened your 10th sticker capsule! Nice!
99-capsules achievement icon
99 Capsules 500 XP
You've opened your 99th sticker capsule! Amazing!
exotic-sticker achievement icon
You've found Exotic Rarity Sticker! Great!
skin-seller achievement icon
Skin Seller 500 XP
You've sold your 10th skin! Good!
master-seller achievement icon
Master Seller 500 XP
You've sold your 100th skin! Great!
master-seller-ii achievement icon
You've sold your 250th skin! Great!
master-seller-iii achievement icon
You've sold your 500th skin! Amazing!
the-trader achievement icon
The Trader 500 XP
You've sold your 1000th skin! Incredible!
blues-in-a-row achievement icon
Find 8 blue skins in a row!
purples-in-a-row achievement icon
Find 5 purple skins in a row!
pinks-in-a-row achievement icon
Find 2 pink skins in a row!
ultra-luck achievement icon
Ultra Luck 500 XP
Find 2 red skins in a row!
10-in-equipment achievement icon
You have 10 items in equipment! Nice!
25-in-equipment achievement icon
You have 25 items in equipment! Nice!
50-in-equipment achievement icon
You have 50 items in equipment! Great!
100-in-equipment achievement icon
You have 100 items in equipment! Great!
250-in-equipment achievement icon
You have 250 items in equipment! Amazing!
collection-completed achievement icon
You've completed your first skin / sticker collection! Nice!
completion-master achievement icon
You've completed your 5th skin / sticker collection! Great!!
the-collector_2 achievement icon
The Collector 500 XP
You've completed your 10th skin / sticker collection! Amazing!
jackpots achievement icon
Jackpots! 500 XP
Yay! You've unlocked jackpot system!
trades achievement icon
Trades! 500 XP
Yay! You've unlocked trading system!
skin-trader-i achievement icon
Skin Trader I 500 XP
You've accepted your first trade! Cool!
skin-trader-ii achievement icon
You've accepted your 10th trade! Cool!
skin-trader-iii achievement icon
You've accepted your 25th trade! Nice!
skin-trader-iv achievement icon
You've accepted your 50th trade! Great!
skin-trader-v achievement icon
Skin Trader V 500 XP
You've accepted your 100th trade! Amazing!
skin-trader-vi achievement icon
You've accepted your 250th trade! Amazing!
first-jackpot achievement icon
First Jackpot 500 XP
You've played your first jackpot! Cool!
jackpot-beginner achievement icon
You've played your 25th jackpot! Nice!
jackpot-player achievement icon
You've played your 100th jackpot! Great!
jackpot-master achievement icon
You've played your 500th jackpot! Amazing!
jackpot-king achievement icon
Jackpot King 500 XP
You've played your 1000th jackpot! Incredible!
jackpot-winner-i achievement icon
You've won your first jackpot! Cool!
jackpot-winner-ii achievement icon
You've won your 5th jackpot! Great!
jackpot-winner-iii achievement icon
You've won your 10th jackpot! Great!
jackpot-winner-iv achievement icon
You've won your 25th jackpot! Amazing!
jackpot-winner-v achievement icon
You've won your 50th jackpot! Amazing!
jackpot-winner-vi achievement icon
You've won your 100th jackpot! Incredible!
jackpot-loser-i achievement icon
You've lost your first jackpot!
jackpot-loser-ii achievement icon
You've lost your 10th jackpot!
jackpot-loser-iii achievement icon
You've lost your 50th jackpot!
jackpot-loser-iv achievement icon
You've lost your 100th jackpot!
jackpot-loser-v achievement icon
You've lost your 250th jackpot! Shame!
jackpot-loser-vi achievement icon
You've lost your 500th jackpot! Shame!
random-item achievement icon
Random Item 500 XP
Yay! You've found your first random item!
two-criticals achievement icon
Two Criticals 500 XP
You've performed 2 critical taps in a row! Great!
three-criticals achievement icon
You've performed 3 critical taps in a row! Unbelievable!
critical-tapper-i achievement icon
You've performed 10 critical hits!
critical-tapper-ii achievement icon
You've performed 25 critical hits!
critical-tapper-iii achievement icon
You've performed 50 critical hits!
critical-tapper-iv achievement icon
You've performed 100 critical hits!
critical-tapper-v achievement icon
You've performed 250 critical hits!
critical-tapper-vi achievement icon
You've performed 500 critical hits!
critical-tapper-vii achievement icon
You've performed 1,000 critical hits!
global-general achievement icon
You've reached the Global General rank! Amazing!
6-taps-per-second achievement icon
You've tapped 6 times in a second!
7-taps-per-second achievement icon
You've tapped 7 times in a second!
8-taps-per-second achievement icon
You've tapped 8 times in a second!
9-taps-per-second achievement icon
You've tapped 9 times in a second!
10-taps-per-second achievement icon
You've tapped 10 times in a second!
the-howl-is-mine achievement icon
You've found M4A4 | Howl in the jackpot! Amazing!
200-achievements achievement icon
You've unlocked your 200th achievement. Amazing!
225-upgrades achievement icon
225 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 225th upgrade.
250-upgrades achievement icon
250 Upgrades 500 XP
You've unlocked your 250th upgrade.
rank-reset achievement icon
Rank Reset 500 XP
You've resetted your private rank! Great!
second-reset achievement icon
Second Reset 500 XP
You've resetted your private rank 2 times! Great!
fifth-reset achievement icon
Fifth Reset 500 XP
You've resetted your private rank 5 times! Wow!
tenth-reset achievement icon
Tenth Reset 500 XP
You've resetted your private rank 5 times! Amazing!
novice-gambler achievement icon
You've placed your 10th bet! Nice!
advanced-gambler achievement icon
You've placed your 25th bet! Great!
experienced-gambler achievement icon
You've placed your 100th bet! Amazing!
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Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
