10 Jumps
50 Deaths
10 Flags Captured
25 Headshots
10 Finished Matches
25 Weapon Reloads
25 Kills
Kill 5 players without dying
5 First Kills
5 Last Kills
5 Matches Won
5 Matches Lost
Distance Covered: 5 km
5 Enemies Stopped
5 Taunts
5 Assists
Taunt 3 different people in one match
Kill 20 enemies while you are burning
Kill 20 enemies while you are bleeding
Kill an enemy that attacked a medic who healed you recently
5 Kills
5 First Kills
5 Last Kills
5 Headshots
5 Deaths
5 Matches Won
5 Matches Lost
5 Finished Matches
5 Weapon Reloads
5 Jumps
Distance Covered: 5 km
5 Flags Captured
5 Enemies Stopped
5 Taunts
5 Assists
Kill 10 Heavies in a single match
Get 5 assisted kills together with a medic
Take 3,000 points of damage without dying
Kill 10 cloaked Stealth enemies
Get healed to max health 5 times without dying in one match
Be the first on your team to start capturing a control point in a match
5 Kills
5 First Kills
5 Last Kills
5 Headshots
5 Deaths
5 Matches Won
5 Matches Lost
5 Finished Matches
5 Weapon Reloads
5 Jumps
Distance Covered: 5 km
5 Flags Captured
5 Enemies Stopped
5 Taunts
5 Assists
Accumulate 1 million total heal points
Get 50 kills with the Leveler
Kill a Gunner with a melee weapon
Heal 100 teammates
Accumulate 5,000 heal points without dying
Heal a teammate who's at less than 10% HP
5 Kills
5 First Kills
5 Last Kills
5 Headshots
5 Deaths
5 Matches Won
5 Matches Lost
5 Finished Matches
5 Weapon Reloads
5 Jumps
Distance Covered: 5 km
5 Flags Captured
5 Enemies Stopped
5 Taunts
5 Assists
Get 3 kills in a row with any Sniper Rifle
Kill an enemy in stealth mode with any Sniper Rifle
Kill 3 enemies while they're assaulting a flag without dying
Headshot 10 enemy Snipers
Get a kill with 3 different weapons without dying
25 Kills
10 Deaths
5 First Kills
5 Last Kills
5 Headshots
5 Matches Won
5 Matches Lost
5 Finished Matches
5 Weapon Reloads
5 Jumps
Distance Covered: 5 km
5 Flags Captured
5 Enemies Stopped
5 Taunts
5 Assists
Kill 5 social-network friends using melee
Kill 10 Gunners with a melee weapon
Get healed 3 times without dying while in stealth mode
Kill one enemy within 2 sec. of exiting stealth mode
Use melee to kill an enemy who is capturing a flag
In one match, bump into 5 enemies while in stealth mode
Use melee to kill 3 enemies in 15 sec. or less
First kill with the BBQ 1917
First kill with the Annihilator
First melee kill
Shoot an explosive barrel
First kill with 4x4
First kill with tank
First kill with helicopter
First kill with stationary machine gun
First taunt
First kill with grenade
First class change
Get 10 headshots in a match
Kill a taunting enemy
Get killed while taunting
Kill an enemy while flying
Kill 5 enemies in a match while at less than 25% health
Be affected by shock, fire and bleeding damage in the same match
Win 3 consecutive matches
Win 5 consecutive matches
Use buyback 25 times
While in a helicopter, shoot and kill a flying enemy
Destroy an occupied helicopter using a tank
In one match, run over 10 enemies with a 4x4
Finish all missions in the single-player campaign
Complete all jigsaw puzzles from the single-player campaign