Beach Buggy Racing Achievement List

achievement list game banner

You can find the list of Google Play achievements for Beach Buggy Racing below. This game is developed by Vector Unit. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.

There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.

Total XP100000 points
RatingsNo Ratings


beginner_21 achievement icon
Beginner 1000 XP
Earn all the stars in Easy Street
contender achievement icon
Contender 2000 XP
Earn all the stars in Coconut Cup
competitor achievement icon
Competitor 3000 XP
Earn all the stars in Sunshine Sprint
professional_2 achievement icon
Professional 4000 XP
Earn all the stars in Chowder Bowl
expert_7 achievement icon
Expert 5000 XP
Earn all the stars in Tropical Twist
champion_6 achievement icon
Champion 6000 XP
Earn all the stars in Pineapple Punch
superhero achievement icon
Superhero 7000 XP
Earn all the stars in Tidal Rush
legend_4 achievement icon
Legend 8000 XP
Earn all the stars in Typhoon Trophy
car-collector_1 achievement icon
Car Collector 1000 XP
Buy 5 cars
race-team achievement icon
Race Team 1000 XP
Recruit 5 drivers
power-hungry_1 achievement icon
Power Hungry 1000 XP
Unlock 10 Powerups
special-sauce achievement icon
Special Sauce 1000 XP
Drive a car tuned by a Grease Monkey.
color-theory achievement icon
Color Theory 1000 XP
Paint a car
metric-century achievement icon
Metric Century 2000 XP
Drive 100km
one-million-meters achievement icon
Drive 1000km
double-down_1 achievement icon
Double Down 5000 XP
Drive 2000km
the-1_1 achievement icon
The 1% 5000 XP
Earn over 1,000,000 coins in your career
gull-hater achievement icon
Gull Hater 1000 XP
Smash 100 seagulls
crab-terminator achievement icon
Crab Terminator 1000 XP
Smash 40 crabs
fire-eater achievement icon
Fire Eater 1000 XP
Smash 20 lava monsters
gardener achievement icon
Gardener 1000 XP
Smash 500 palm trees
skull-go-boom achievement icon
Skull Go Boom 1000 XP
Smash 50 death bats
cry-of-the-yeti achievement icon
Cry of the Yeti 1000 XP
Smash 25 yeti
unhappy-feet achievement icon
Unhappy Feet 1000 XP
Smash 100 penguins
reckless achievement icon
Reckless 2000 XP
Win a 1000hp Race without using the brake
skillz achievement icon
Skillz 2000 XP
Win a 1000hp Race without resetting
pure-speed achievement icon
Pure Speed 1000 XP
Win a Race without using a Powerup
comeback_1 achievement icon
Comeback 2000 XP
Go from last to first place on the last lap of a Race
tastes-like-chicken_1 achievement icon
Win with a chicken on your face
egg-finder achievement icon
Egg Finder 1000 XP
Find 1 Easter Egg
challenger_6 achievement icon
Challenger 1000 XP
Beat a Daily Challenge event
super-challenger achievement icon
Beat 7 Daily Challenges in a row
egg-hunter achievement icon
Egg Hunter 3000 XP
Find 10 Easter Eggs
precision-driving achievement icon
Score 25 in a Follow the Leader event
leap-of-faith achievement icon
Leap of Faith 1000 XP
Successfully complete the triple-jump shortcut in Death Bat Alley
turtle-power achievement icon
Turtle Power 1000 XP
Bounce off three different turtles in one river crossing in Dino Jungle
i-m-in-your-head achievement icon
Use Remote Control to detonate a car under the Dyn-O-Mite effect
3-for-1 achievement icon
3-for-1 1000 XP
Take out three drivers with one Death Bat Powerup
going-going-gone achievement icon
Use Earth Strike on an opponent who's experiencing Low Gravity
i-m-helping achievement icon
I'm Helping 1000 XP
Set fire to an opponent who's frozen
really-i-m-helping achievement icon
Freeze an opponent who's on fire
long-jump achievement icon
Long Jump 2000 XP
Jump 400 meters
dentist_1 achievement icon
Dentist 2000 XP
Knock the Tiki Temple's teeth out
giddyup achievement icon
Giddyup 1000 XP
Do a jump start
i-ll-get-that achievement icon
I'll Get That 1000 XP
Knock the penguin off the mammoth tusk in Glacier Gulch
switcheroo achievement icon
Switcheroo 2000 XP
Use B'Zorp to teleport into 1st place within 100m of the finish line
1-time-champ achievement icon
1-Time Champ 1000 XP
Win one 1000 HP Championship
5-time-champ achievement icon
5-Time Champ 4000 XP
Win five 1000 HP Championships
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Difficulty To Unlock All Achievements
Time Required To Get 100% Achievements
