You can find the list of Google Play achievements for AdVenture Capitalist below. This game is developed by Kongregate. Any guide information will be displayed beneath each achievement.
There is no guide information for this game. Use this link to Submit an Achievement Guide for this game.
Category | Simulation |
Total XP | 80500 points |
Ratings | No Ratings |
Earth Overlord!
4000 XP
Quattuorvigintillionaire! Reach 10^75 lifetime earnings. [This will show up as 75100000 in the leaderboards]
Wholly Holy!
3000 XP
Novemdecillionaire! Reach 10^60 lifetime earnings. [This will show up as 60100000 in the leaderboards]
Let's Learn Big Numbers!
1000 XP
Decillionaire! Reach 10^33 lifetime earnings. [This will show up as 33100000 in the leaderboards]
Offshore Accounts!
2000 XP
Tredecillionaire! Reach 10^42 lifetime earnings. [This will show up as 42100000 in the leaderboards]
5000 XP
Duotrigintillionaire! Reach 10^100 lifetime earnings. [This will show up as 100100000 in the leaderboards]
Meta Reference!
2500 XP
Purchase the “Cana-dough Exchange” Earth upgrade - Where’s the roof on this thing?
Accurate Description!
2500 XP
Purchase the “Forever And Ever” Earth upgrade - Many Angels died to bring us this acceleration...
Life's Manager!
5000 XP
Buy 32 of Earth's managers with only Lemonade Stands - The only investment you need.
2500 XP
Unlock the “Achievement” Everything unlock on Earth (5000) - This is probably quite stupendous.
Capitalism Classic!
2500 XP
Unlock 500 Earth Achievements - Grats! The cash amounts you’ve earned have no meaningful mathematical comparison in the universe!
Here We Go Again!
1000 XP
Purchase the first angel upgrade on the Moon, “It Begins Again” - Great renewable resource, or GREATEST?
That Achievement's Name...
2500 XP
Reach the “Special Relativity” Moon unlock (100 everything) - …Was Albert Einstein.
Moonumental Achievement!
2500 XP
Reach 1111 of everything on the Moon - Literally out of this world.
Gallery Tour!
1000 XP
Click the Gallery button on the Moon (in the Unlock Menu) -Did you know that was a button?